Mid-October Updates from the Global Job Market

Mid-October Updates from the Global Job Market

This article is based on data from MeetFrank Job Market Insights. For additional and per-specialty reports, visit this page.

The second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic may affect the plans of companies and job seekers in the near future. 😷

Looking on the bright side, there are still many companies from various countries across the world with great relocation packages. 🛩

Let’s recall some crucial points from our previous global job market report

👉 There has been a decline in the number of openings. 

👉 The first week of September saw the highest increase in the number of job applications.

👉 The market remained competitive for job seekers. 

Ready to discover what’s new in October? If so, here you go! 🚀


Job Market Overview

As we shared above, the number of job openings and applications went in opposite directions last month. ⬅️➡️

💡 What about now?

no of openings in global

This month saw an increase in the number of job openings by 13% while there has been a decrease in the number of job seekers. 

no of applications in global

👉Trends in the Estonian and Lithuanian job market share similarities with those in the global job market.

competitiveness on the global scale

When it comes to market competitiveness, we see that it has not changed at all since September. The ease of finding a job is still at the “Challenging level”.

🎁 Bonus: We will discuss market competitiveness per specialty further in the upcoming sections.

What about the gross offered and expected salaries on the global scale? Has the gap diminished in October?

salaries in global

Our data says that job seekers have reshaped their goals, and the increase of approximately 12% in the expected salaries definitely justifies this. 💪

How have the gross offered salaries reacted to this? 💸

As for the offered salaries, there has been a slight increase of 2.2%. The gap seems to be smaller now, but another adjustment is still needed from the job seekers’ side. 😉


Offered Gross Salaries per Specialty 

The global pandemic has led to seismic changes, from how we live and work to the status of the worldwide economy and recruitment. 😷

In this section, we will find out how the offered gross salaries have also changed per specialty since March. 

offered salaries in global

🔊 Here is a recap of the chart above: 

👉 When Software Engineering and Data & Analytics saw a slight decrease in offered gross salaries in the last 9 months, it was the opposite for the rest. 

👉 Design is the specialty that saw the highest decrease. We will see what November will bring for Design professionals on the global scale. 🙏

👉 February and March brought an increase in offered salaries except for the Sales & Business Development industry. 

👉 The last 2 months brought a notable increase to offered gross salaries in the Design and Data & Analytics specialties. 🤑


Top 6 Specialties with the Most Applications

Before diving into this section, here are the top 6 specialties with the most openings in the global job market in September: 🔊

  • Software Engineering
  • Design
  • Sales & Business Development

Similar to Estonia, Lithuania, and Finland, Software Engineering made it to first place in the global market as well.

What about the top 6 specialties worldwide with the most applications in mid-October?

top specialties with the most applications in global

✅ The top 3 is the same as in Lithuania: Software Engineering, Sales & Business Development, and Marketing & PR & Media.

✅ Does this also partially remind you of something ? The ones who were highlighted in the previous list – the top 6 specialties with most openings in September – have shared the right answer. 🏆

Design and Tech (Project Management) have a very close number of applications. 

✅ Job seekers have favoured the Data & Analytics specialty the least since mid-September. 

🤔 Despite this fact, market competitiveness is still challenging in Data & Analytics. So, we can conclude that the number of openings in this sector is quite low for this industry. 


Market Competitiveness per Specialty 

Now is the turn of market competitiveness per specialty in the last 4 weeks. We will have a closer look at how easy it is to find a role for job seekers. 👀

competitiveness in global

💡 Finding a job in Software Engineering, Marketing & PR & Media, and Data & Analytics has become a bit more difficult in the last 4 weeks. ⬇️

💡 Competitiveness for the Sales & Business Development and (Tech) Project Management industries has stayed at the same level which is sadly “difficult”. ➡️

💡 Let’s leave some room for the good news: Design experts will find it relatively easier to switch to a new job. ⬆ So, you better hurry, artistic job seekers! 🖌 

Want to learn more? All the above is public information. For more information take a look at MeetFrank Insights! 🔊


Welcome to the MeetFrank family!

🤩 This month, we welcomed new members to the MeetFrank family: Sia Nordic Homes, Ubiquiti, UniteLabs AG, HASH, TWINO, and SIA “MyHR”!

Have a look at their latest offerings below: 👇

Download the MeetFrank app and see more job postings from different companies! 📱

Global Job Market in September 2020 

Global Job Market in September 2020 

This article is based on data from MeetFrank Job Market Insights. For additional and per-track reports, visit this page.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has affected economies from Europe to Australia, job seekers might have found it difficult to relocate in the last 6 months. 😷

On the other hand, we have lots of reasons to keep our hopes high. Many companies are offering relocation packages to talent working in various industries from all around the world. 🗺

Have you downloaded the MeetFrank app yet? If so, you should have already discovered the ‘Relocation’ and ‘Remote’ sections!

In this report, we will share data from and insights into the global job market. Let’s begin! 🚀

Job Market Overview

Before starting with the recent data, let’s rewind to our previous post. There, we shared that there was a decline of 12% in the number of job openings.

What has changed as of mid-September?

👉 By mid-September, there has been a slight increase in the number of job openings compared to mid-August. 

openings in the global job market

The first week of September saw the highest increase. There has been a slight decrease after that. 📉

applications in the global job market

👉 Looking at the chart, we can see that there has been a visible increase in the number of job applications. It has increased gradually since mid-August. 💪

Welcome back to the job hunt, dear job seekers. 😊

What about market competitiveness?

competitiveness in the global job market in September 2020

Given the situation worldwide, this should come as no surprise: at the moment, it is challenging to find a job in the global job market. And yes, this even applies to software engineers. 😵

On the other hand, if you are a Data & Analytics expert, it will be much easier to find your dream job. 🏆

historical gross salaries in the global job market in September 2020

Both the offered and expected salaries have seen an increase in September. The gap started to increase in July, reached a peak in August, and has now slightly reduced. 

We will see if the expectations of job seekers and offerings of employers align in the near future. 💰

Top 6 Specialties with the Most Openings

Let’s find out which industries are offering more openings in the month of September. 

top 6 specialties with the most openings in global

Similar to Estonia, Finland and Lithuania, Software Engineering is the top specialty with the most number of openings. 🖥

The surprising fact in the list is that Design, in which it has been competitive to find a job for the past few months, now ranks in second place! Now is your time, Design experts. 👏

Design is followed by Sales and Business Development in third place and Marketing & PR & Media in fourth place

The last 2 specialties on the list are IT & Sysadmin and Data & Analytics. Specialists in the latter have been finding it a bit difficult to find a job lately. 😔

Overall, all the jobs are slowly trying to recover. Obviously, the Software Engineering specialty is doing better worldwide. 

Salaries Offered by Employers: September vs January 2020

A lot has changed since January on the global scene. One of those changes has been the salaries offered by employers. 

offered salaries in global in september vs january 2020

👉The chart above shows that the offered salaries have been on the rise for all industries except for Design (with a very slight decrease) and Marketing & PR & Media.

👉 As for Design, this comes as a surprise as the number of job openings have recently been on the rise. It could also be related to the fact that now there have been more job seekers in this industry. 👩👨

👉 Data & Analytics and Software Engineering saw the highest increase by approximately 15%. 💰 

👉 The industry which has seen the lowest increase has been Sales & Business Development. Think positive, an increase is still an increase! Grab happiness, Sales people! 😊

👉 Overall, the economy is slowly recovering worldwide which can be observed in companies offering more and more job positions every day. 

Companies with the Most Remote Options

Are you open to remote options in addition to positions with relocation? If yes, this section is for you. 🤩

global companies with the most remote options

Now that the whole world has become online, remote work is enjoying its golden era. 🥇

👏 The company with the most remote options is Lokalise from Latvia, a translation and localisation management platformIf this sounds good, check their recent openings in the MeetFrank app 

Second place goes to Flocker from the UK, a self-service marketing platform. If you’re in Marketing, this could be the company for you.

In third place, we see Cavai, a programmatic advertising company from Norway, followed by zenloop GmbH from Germany. Congrats to the top 4 in advance! 👏

🙌 iPhone Photography School, from Latvia and SD Media AS, a marketing agency from Norway have the same number of openings. 

💡 Overall, Marketing and SaaS rock the list of companies with the most remote options.

Welcome to the MeetFrank Family!

🎆 Welcome our new members: Orora, Expondo, Fly Now Pay Later, ATOM Mobility, Ten Square Games, Cico, Kinsta®, and Maytana!

Check out their latest job openings: 👇

😉 Want to see more openings from different companies and industries? Download the MeetFrank app now! 📱


Global Job Market in August 2020 – What to Expect?

Global Job Market in August 2020 – What to Expect?

This article is based on data from MeetFrank Job Market Insights. For additional and per-track reports, visit this page.

While the recovery process slowly and cautiously goes on worldwide, the number of coronavirus cases in Europe has recently begun to increase again. We’ll see how this will affect the global job market. 😷

In our previous report, we had shared that the number of global job applications in the MeetFrank app was a bit higher in July vs June – there were still lots of companies looking for talent worldwide. 👍

If you’re ready, let’s find out more about the July and August stats and discover the ‘mosts’ of the global job market. 🥁


Job Market Overview

As of the first week of August, there has been a decline in the number of job openings. 📉

number of active job openings globally

On the other hand, the number of job applications seems to have slightly decreased as well. Let’s see what the rest of August will bring.

number of job applications globally in August

The global market has been competitive for job seekers in general. The needle is pointing to the yellow ‘challenging’ level for now. 🤔

global competition

While it’s even more difficult for Sales and Business Development professionals, Data & Analytics experts will find it much easier compared to others. 🍀

What about the average and expected salaries?

global average salaries

The global trends are no different to the situation in Finland, Estonia, and Lithuania. It seems the average offered salaries exceed the expectations of job seekers

Although both have decreased a bit lately, there is still a visible gap between them. 👀


Top 6 specialties with the most applications in July

Which industries have had their names in lights in July?

top specialties with most applications globally

The top industry in the global job market with the most applications in July has been Customer Support, unlike in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania. 

If your expertise is this industry, well, you’re the lucky one nowadays! 🤓🍀

Software Engineering, the cool kid at school, ranks second. 👯

The list continues with Design and Marketing & PR & Media industries. The former could hardly find a place in the top 6 in our other reports for Estonia, Finland, and Lithuania.

So, Design is much more popular worldwide than in these countries. 😎 This could also be related to the opportunities and number of job openings as well. 


Top 10 companies with the most replies to applicants in July

When we apply for a job, receiving a positive reply is our dream. What if we get rejected? Wouldn’t it be good to hear about this as well? 🤔

The companies below share the same opinion! Here are the top 10 companies with the most replies to applicants in July: 👇

companies with the most replies globally

The ‘Kindness Oscar’ goes to Arundo Analyticsa software company headquartered in the US. The company develops proprietary software for asset-intensive industries, like oil & gas, maritime, and power. 👯 Whatever you’re doing, keep on doing it!

It’s followed by the Aklamio, a referral marketing company providing SaaS solutions from Berlin, Germany and Latvian Httpool, a digital marketing and performance company which is the largest international partner of the major media platforms.

The rest of the list continues with Flockler, Cavai, SadaPay, Lokalise, ACELR8, sMover, and Sparq

When we have a closer look at this list, what stands out the most is that the most active companies worldwide when it comes to replying to applicants operate in the Marketing and Software Development industries. 

There are two companies from the US, the United Kingdom, Germany and Latvia on the list. Pakistan and Norway are both represented by one company. 🎆

Companies with the most openings in July

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the slow recovery, and the summer laziness, some companies are still actively hiring. 

Let’s have a deeper look into which companies have been sharing the most job openings since July. 🕵

companies with the most openings globally

1st place goes to SadaPay from Pakistan, also one of the most active companies when it comes to replying job seekers. 🤩

It’s followed by Lokalise from the UK and OGD ict-diensten from Netherlands. Well done and congrats! 

Sparq OU, personal finance platform for every day use from Latvia is in 4th place. The winner of 5th place is Visual Meta from Germany.

Westernacher Solutions from Germany, iPhone Photography School from Latvia, Flockler from the UK ready2order from Austria and Arundo Analytics from the US are the other active companies of the last month.

💡 The stats say that July’s ‘most active’ country is the UK. 


Welcome to the MeetFrank family!

This month, Phonebot from Pakistan joined the MeetFrank family! Keep in mind that the company is actively hiring and they’re looking for a PHP Developer. 🖥

Download the MeetFrank app today and check out more openings! 

Global Job Market in July 2020: What’s new?

Global Job Market in July 2020: What’s new?

This article is based on data from MeetFrank Job Market Insights. For additional and per-track reports, visit this page.

In our previous global report, we shared that most countries in Europe have recently loosened their travel restrictions. Recently, the EU also recommended opening up borders ahead of the summer holiday season. 🧳️

Looking at the situation, the world still needs some time to get back on track, but there are also some signs of recovery. 🙏

So, what about the global job market? What has summer brought for companies and job seekers? Which new members have joined the MeetFrank family and  are now offering attractive relocation packages? 🌍

You’ll find the answers in this report! Let’s discover what’s new in June and July in the global job market. 🕵

Job Market Overview: June vs July

Even though summer mode is upon us, job seekers don’t seem to have stopped sending out applications, globally speaking. 👍

number of active job seekers globally

The upward trend we mentioned in our previous report is set to continue. 📈 There has been a small increase in the number of job applications since June. 

So, what about market competitiveness in general?

global market competitiveness

Finding a job is still a challenge for job seekers. Given the coronavirus situation worldwide, it will take some time before more opportunities become available. 😷

Even though the global market is challenging, there’s always a need for good talent. 💪

In the coming sections, we will be giving more detailed information about the competitiveness  industry-by-industry. 

Salaries in Top 6 Specialties

In this section, we will compare the average gross salaries and expected salaries in June compared to May. 

Ready? 🤩

average gross salary globally

👉 When looking at the chart, we can see that the only two industries offering lower salaries in June than in May were Finance and (Tech) Project Management.

👉While the fall in the Finance sector was rather visible with an average gross salary decrease of 519EUR, the IT & Sysadmin industry increased their average offerings by 731EUR since May. Good news for IT & Sysadmin professionals! 👯

So, what about the expected salaries so far?

Compared to the average gross salaries, there were more changes to the expected salaries in June. 

average expected salary globally

👉While the average expectations of the Software Engineering professionals dropped by 51EUR, the Sales and Business Development industry saw a small average increase.

👉The expected salaries in Finance and IT & Sysadmin also decreased. 

👉 The industries with higher expectations have been Marketing & PR & Media and (Tech) Project Management

Overall, there was a disparity between the expected and the offered salaries by the first week of July. 🤔

In general, job seekers are demanding less than they are offered, except in the Finance and (Tech) Project Management sectors. 💰

Competition in Top 6 Specialties

In this section, we will see how the market competition has been in the last two months and how it has varied per industry in the global job market. 🌍

Competition on the job market globally

The recovery process has been taking some time globally which also affects market competition. 🕵

When looking at the chart, we can see that it’s become more challenging to find a job in all of the top 6 industries. 👀

While the difference in June’s stats compared to those of May seem more obvious for the Sales and Business Development, Marketing, PR, Media, and Tech (Project) Management industries, there has been a smaller disparity in the Software Engineering industry

Nowadays, job seekers in the IT & Sysadmin industry will still find it relatively easy to find a job, whereas Marketing & PR & Media experts will face some challenges. ⛈

The reasons for the increase in market competitiveness might be related to multiple factors. 💡

Firstly, some companies may find it more challenging than usual to provide job seekers with relocation packages. Most countries have started opening borders, but the effects of the coronavirus pandemic are not over yet. 😷

Job seekers are also in the same boat. Moving to another country may seem quite a bit more challenging for them in these uncertain times as well. 🗺 🧳️

Let’s hope for the better. Recovery will definitely take some time, but the good news is that it has started. We’ll wait and see what August’s stats will show. 📈

TOP 10 Companies with the Most Applications in June 2020

Wondering what the top 10 companies with the most applications recently in the global job market are? If so, you’re in the right place. 😉

Top 10 companies globally with the most applications on MeetFrank in June

Looking at the chart above, the Oscar for ‘the most favourite company for job seekers’ goes to iPhone Photography School (the name speaks for itself regarding the industry!) in Latvia. It’s followed by Blockchain.com in the United Kingdom and Cavai, in Norway. 🥁

As we can see, companies involved in new technologies make up the top 3 when it comes to the most applications on a global scale. 📱

What does the rest of the list say about job seekers’ choices?

In fourth place, we see Sadapay, a fintech company from Pakistan, followed by Visual Meta in Germany, which connects online shops and customers. 

The list continues with companies operating in Marketing, SaaS, and Tourism. No surprises that they are all tech based. 💻

Welcome to the MeetFrank family!

This week, we’ve welcomed 4 new companies from different countries. Say hi to Magebit, Elopage, Airlift Technologies, and sMover Tech! 👏

See what the latest job offers are from these companies: 


June News From the Global Job Market

June News From the Global Job Market

This article is based on data from MeetFrank Job Market Insights. For additional and per-track reports, visit this page.

Last week’s recovery outlook articles showed that even though most countries in Europe are slowly opening up, the economy worldwide will still need some time to recover from the effects of the pandemic. 😷

But let’s keep our hopes high. 💪 There are still opportunities out there. Many companies are still open for global talent and are offering relocation packages. ✈

In this article, we’ll delve into the global stats along with companies open for remote talent and relocation.

🌍 Want to explore possibilities and opportunities in another country? Find everything you need below! 👇

Job Market Overview: May vs June

Let’s start with the basics. 🚀

Out of 40,988 people open to relocation opportunities, approximately 9% of them are actively looking for a job. Due to the pandemic, some talent may still find it difficult to relocate.

amound of talent, number of job seekers and companies in the global

In the past 4 weeks, the number of job openings has dropped by 26%. 📉

global active job openings

Meanwhile, the number of job applications has slightly increased by mid-June. The openings and applications haven’t aligned yet. 

This might be related to both the current uncertainty in the economy and the usual “summer mode” stagnation . 

global job applications

When we look at historical gross salaries, we see that there has been a noticeable difference between the offered and expected salaries starting from December. Early on in this period, the expected salaries had increased significantly. 📈

historical salaries globally

The pandemic swapped things around in March. The gap between offered and expected salaries has kept widening, with offered salaries higher than expected salaries.

Feel free to make some adjustments to your modest salary expectations, dear job seekers. 😊

global market competitiveness

Nowadays, it’s challenging to find a job globally. It seems both companies and job seekers have some concerns about relocation in the post-pandemic recovery period. 

While it’s difficult for design candidates to find a job and relocate, it’s rather easier for IT & Sysadmin professionals to fulfill their career aspirations. 👀

What about the most in demand skills globally?

globally most in demand skills
Have experience in Backend Development, Full-stack Development and/or JavaScript? Well, the chances are you can find a job and relocate more easily than your peers. 💪

Now, let’s move on to the following section and see how the trends in job applications have changed in the past year. 

Job Applications in the Top 6 Specialties in June 2020 vs 2019

In this section, we will compare the number of job applications in the top 6 specialties in June 2020 with those of June 2019. 

Our goal is to see how the pandemic and subsequent changes in the economy have shaped the career path of job seekers. 

the number of job applications globally in 2019 vs 2020

Here are the main takeaways from the stats above:

✅ The number of job applications has increased in all industries worldwide.

Software engineering saw the highest number of applications. Looking at the stats from Estonia, Lithuania, and Finland, we can now say that these 3 countries have been affected by the global trend. 

Software engineers have been the most active group so far. 🏅

✅ Globally, job seekers looking for Sales & Business Development and Marketing & PR & Media opportunities have almost doubled.

✅ The lowest increase has been in the number of applications for IT & Sysadmin roles. This matches with the stats from Estonia, Finland, and Lithuania, as IT & Syadmin has not been the most popular kid at school so far. 🤓

Who are the companies hiring with MeetFrank?

Every month, new companies are joining our family, thus giving us the chance to match the best talent with the best companies.

In this section, we’ll share some interesting facts about companies that choose to collaborate with us. 🤝

As of today, the MeetFrank family is working with mostly startups and corporate companies from Lithuania to Czechia, from Finland to the UK

company type globally

They are followed by SMBs and consultancy companies

company industries globally

The industries they are operating in are mostly software development, SaaS, technology, e-commerce, analytics & big data, FinTech, finance, and consultancy

company size globally

Overall, the company size is 11-50 people, followed by 51-200. This shows that not only startups or big corporations but also a wide range of companies are collaborating with MeetFrank. 

The majority of the companies are Estonian-based, followed by Finnish companies. And among them, there are 2 unicorns. 🦄

Remote Job Offers by Specialty in June 2020

Now is time to have a look at the remote job offers worldwide. 🌍

global remote job offers

The upward trend for software engineers continues. Globally, the highest number of job openings has been for engineers. Great times indeed to be a software person! 🤓

The Sales & Business Development industry seems to be open to remote workers too. As of today, the second highest number of remote offers have been in this sector. 

So, what about the ones that are not offering that many remote offers (for now)? 

Similar to Estonia, Lithuania, and Finland; companies operating in Administration & Office, Data & Analytics, and Logistics & Supply industries prefer working face-to-face globally. 👀

And here are the latest remote openings from the UK to Czechia

Check the remote offers in the MeetFrank app!

Don’t miss out on the latest offers from top companies and inspiring startups. 💪 Download the MeetFrank app and make a step towards your dream job! 🦄