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Sales Representative - Traditional Trade - Resita

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About the role

Obiectivul principal:Dezvoltarea afacerii companiei în aria repartizată prin realizarea volumelor de vânzări şi stabilirea relaţiilor de parteneriat cu toţi clienţii alocaţi, respectând standardele şi politicile companiei.Responsabilităţi principale:

  • Gestionarea şi dezvoltarea portofoliului de clienţi;
  • Vizitarea clienţilor arondaţi, conform rutei desemnate;
  • Realizarea obiectivelor de vânzări setate în zona repartizată;
  • Închiderea procesului de vânzare prin recuperarea în întregime a contravalorii facturilor la toţi clienţii din portofoliu.
  • Bune abilităţi de comunicare şi adaptare la interlocutor;
  • Responsabilitate faţă de munca proprie şi orientare spre atingerea rezultatelor dorite;
  • Disponibilitate pentru o activitate preponderent de teren;
  • Studii medii finalizate (Diploma de Bacalaureat care să ateste finalizarea studiilor);
  • Permis de conducere – categoria B (fără incidente);
  • Constituie avantaj experienţa profesională în domenii care presupun relaţionare cu clienţii.
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  • People for
    Sales & Business Development
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

To become the Preferred Solution Provider for our Partners in certain categories in which we operate
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employees in the company


Our strength comes from our people. We pride ourselves on a team of over 2000 experienced and dynamic people who put passion in what they do and constantly demonstrate the desire to progress. ORBICO Romania is headquartered in Bucharest.
  • Romania flagBucharest
  • Romania flagCluj-Napoca
  • Romania flagTimișoara
  • Romania flagTârgu Mureș
  • Romania flagPitești
    Extra vacations
    Flexible hours
    Team events
Office imageOffice imageOffice image


Interbrands Orbico, an important player on the FMCG distribution market in Romania, is part of the Orbico Group, the largest FMCG distributor in Europe, present in 20 countries.


  • People for
    Sales & Business Development
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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This job opening is already off the market.
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