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Maris Ojala

HR Generalist

Credit24 on otsimas oma meeskonda Müügitalenti! Hoolitseme oma inimeste eest, toetades aktiivset ja tervislikku eluviisi. Pakume parkimist Ülemiste Citys kohe kontori kõrval, kuid igapäevaselt ei pea kontoris käima, sest pakume kaugtöö tegemise võimalust. Emotsionaalsete murede korral pakume oma töötajatele anonüümset nõustamisteenust ,,Võõras Sõber''.

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About the role

Hi 👋 Tule liitu Credit24 müügitiimiga ja ole meie klientide taustajõuks. Peamised ülesanded: ●Klientide nõustamine finantsteemadel telefoni hoidmine ●Uute kliendisuhete loomine ja olemasolevate hoidmine ●Läbi kliendi vajaduste ja probleemide parima lahenduse pakkumine Selles rollis edukaks olemiseks on Sul: ✅Väga hea eneseeväljendus- ja suhtlemisoskus kõnes ka kirjas nii eesti kui ka vene keeles ✅Inglese keele oskus suhtlustasandil ✅Varasem kogemus müügivaldkonnas Sulle meeldib IPF Dgitalis töötamine, kui hindad tõeliselt rahvusvahelist töökeskkonda, kus saad vastutada oma ülesannete eest; hindad sõbralikku ja avatud töökultuuri ning hindad head meeskonnatööd.

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IPF Digital is open for

  • People for
    Sales & Business Development
  • Interested to work in
  • Who specialize in
    Sales Representation or Account Management or Customer Success Management or Telesales or Active Sales
  • And have following skills
    English or Russian or Estonian or Banking, Finance, Insurance or Telecommunications or FinTech or B2C
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniorities
    Entry or Junior or Mid-level
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    1,000 - 2,000 / month, gross

The story

At IPF, our purpose is to build a better world through financial inclusion and we play a crucial role in society helping people who are often financially excluded to access simple, personal, and affordable finance and a variety of great value home, medical and life insurance to help them and their families.
There are

201 – 500

employees in the company


We have modern and comfortable offices across all our 7 markets.
  • Estonia flagTallinn
  • Lithuania flagVilnius
  • Latvia flagRiga
  • Poland flagWarsaw
  • Australia flagSydney
  • Mexico flagMexico City
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Health insurance
    Gym membership
    Free food
    Free coffee
    Team events
    Company retreats
    Free parking
Office imageOffice imageOffice image


We provide fast and convenient online credit solutions under the Hapiloans, Credit24 and Creditea brands to retail customers in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Mexico and Australia being a market leader in many of them and serve almost 200,000 customers.

IPF Digital is a private equity finance company, part of the IPF Group, listed on the London Stock Exchange.

We have a governance structure and a set of commitments and internal procedures to manage the social, environmental, ethical and governance issues that impact on, or result from, our operations.

IPF Digital is open for

  • People for
    Sales & Business Development
  • Interested to work in
  • Who specialize in
    Sales Representation or Account Management or Customer Success Management or Telesales or Active Sales
  • And have following skills
    English or Russian or Estonian or Banking, Finance, Insurance or Telecommunications or FinTech or B2C
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniorities
    Entry or Junior or Mid-level
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    1,000 - 2,000 / month, gross

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