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frank ai
Join LHV, voted as Estonia's Best Employer, and be part of a leading domestic financial group.
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frank ai
LHV is pioneering in fintech by servicing 350,000+ customers and supporting industry giants like Coinbase and Wise.
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frank ai
Immerse yourself in a culture driven by values of agility, ongoing improvement, and a 'no-nonsense' approach.
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frank ai
Experience a friendly and caring work atmosphere with young, innovative minds at LHV's Tallinn and Tartu offices.
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frank ai
Taking on the role of Kliendikontori spetsialist, you will deliver top-tier banking services enhancing customer experiences.
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frank ai
Proactively engage with clients, offer banking solutions, and swiftly resolve inquiries, fostering strong client relationships.
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frank ai
Fluency in Estonian, Russian, and English is essential to effectively communicate and manage banking services.
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frank ai
Ideal candidates value teamwork, integrity, and enthusiasm, striving to provide exceptional customer service consistently.
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frank ai
LHV rewards you with a robust package including €100 quarterly sports benefits and phone bill coverage.
frank ai
If you share a passion for financial services and client interaction, apply by May 31 and elevate your career with us!

Kliendikontori spetsialist

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About the role

Kliendikontori spetsialist
    • Kui sa hindad suurepärast teenindust ja soovid anda panuse kodumaise panga eduloosse, siis oled õiges kohas. *SINU TÖÖÜLESANDED Põhiosa oma tööajast abistad sa kliente teenindussaalis igapäevapanganduse teemadel: tutvustad ja pakud meie pangatooteid ning juhendad neid pangateenuste kasutamisel. Sa leiad kliendi probleemidele kiired ning tema jaoks mugavad ja paindlikud lahendused, sõlmid lepinguid ja haldad dokumente.  MEIE OOTUSED SULLE:
  • sul on väga hea eesti, vene ja inglise keele oskus kõnes ja kirjas
  • sa hindad kõrgelt kliendisõbralikkust: sul on suur soov ja huvi teha tööd, mis on seotud klientide teenindamise ja ärakuulamisega ning neile sobivate lahenduste leidmisega
  • sa naudid klientidega silmast silma suhtlemist
  • sa oled kohusetundlik, kiire, täpne ja korrektne
  • sa hindad kõrgelt meeskonnatööd ega karda hoogsat töötempot
  • sulle meeldib graafikuga töö, sest kliendikontor on avatud esmaspäevast reedeni 9-17 HINDAME, KUI KA SINULE ON OLULINE:
  • koostöövalmidus
  • väärikus ja ausus
  • sõbralikkus ja hea suhtlemisoskus
  • motiveeritus
  • õpihimu
  • huvi finantsala vastu SULLE PAKUME:
  • toredaid, nooruslikke ja innovaatiliste mõtetega kolleege
  • hubast, sõbralikku ja hoolivat töökeskkonda
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LHV is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

LHV is the biggest domestic financial group. Our mission is a better access to financial services and capital. According to our vision, people and enterprises have the courage to think big and start things, setting ambitious goals and investing in the future. We live by 3 key values: 'no bullshit', 'agile' and 'never satisfied'.

There are

501 - 1000

employees in the company


  • Estonia flagTallinn
  • Estonia flagTartu
  • United Kingdom flagLondon
  • Estonia flagPärnu
  • United Kingdom flagLeeds
    Extra vacations
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Team events
    Company retreats
Office imageOffice imageOffice image


LHV serves clients from Estonia.

LHV is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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This job opening is already off the market.
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