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frank ai
Discover why LHV is Estonia's best employer and elevate your career with a revered financial group.
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frank ai
LHV is a leading financial group serving over 350,000 customers with innovative banking and capital services, distinguished by top-notch 'no bullshit', 'agile' and 'never satisfied' values.
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frank ai
LHV is esteemed for catering to 200+ fintech entities like Paysafe and Coinbase, showcasing a commitment to technology and client growth.
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frank ai
By joining LHV, immerse yourself in a young and innovative colleague network, striving towards financial service excellence in a cozy work environment.
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frank ai
LHV invites proactive sales enthusiasts, fluent in Estonian and either English or Russian, seeking to contribute to a growing domestic bank's success.
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frank ai
As a Kliendinõustaja, you'll introduce and promote LHV products, advising clients and securing deals with sustainable solutions across Tallinn.
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frank ai
Bring your sales experience, including teleconsulting proficiency, along with a 'can-do' attitude, to navigate LHV's dynamic work pace and enhance client relations.
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frank ai
LHV offers distinctive benefits like €100 quarterly sports support and phone bill coverage, on top of standard rewards, to welcome you aboard.
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frank ai
This full-time on-site position is based in Tallinn, immersing you in Estonia's financial industry vibrancy and LHV's celebrated culture.
frank ai
Take the leap by April 17 to potentially join Estonia's Finest as a Kliendinõustaja—where your contribution shapes the future of finance.


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About the role

    • Meil on puudu just üks kliendinõustaja ja me usume, et sina sobid sellele ametikohale valatult. Kui müügimaailm paneb sul silmad särama, sa oled aktiivne ja soovid anda panuse kodumaise panga eduloosse, võid lugemist jätkata. *SINU TÖÖÜLESANDED: Sinu peamine ülesanne on telefoni teel tutvustada ja pakkuda meie praegustele ning tulevastele klientidele LHV erinevaid tooteid. Sa nõustad neid toodete valikul, saadad pakkumisi ja sõlmid lepinguid. Leiad klientidele alati parima lahenduse ja oskad anda nõu ka keerulisemas olukorras. MEIE OOTUSED SULLE: Sul on soovitatavalt varasem müügitöö kogemus, telefoni teel klientide nõustamise kogemus tuleb samuti kasuks. Sobival kandidaadil on väga heale eesti keele oskusele lisaks ka väga heal tasemel inglise või vene keele oskus. Sa oled julge ja avatud suhtleja ning valmis oma oskusi pidevalt täiendama. Sul on väga hea eneseväljendusoskus, sa naudid klientidega suhtlemist ja neile parimate lahenduste pakkumist. Sul on lai silmaring ja majandushuvi. Sa oled kiire õppija ning kohaned hästi muutustega. Sa hindad kõrgelt meeskonnatööd, ei karda kiiret töötempot ja sul on „teeme ära!“-suhtumine. Seni on kõik klappinud? Suurepärane. NÜÜD VAATAME, MIDA SINULE PAKUME:
  • toredaid, nooruslikke ja innovaatiliste mõtetega kolleege
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LHV is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

LHV is the biggest domestic financial group. Our mission is a better access to financial services and capital. According to our vision, people and enterprises have the courage to think big and start things, setting ambitious goals and investing in the future. We live by 3 key values: 'no bullshit', 'agile' and 'never satisfied'.

There are

501 - 1000

employees in the company


  • Estonia flagTallinn
  • Estonia flagTartu
  • United Kingdom flagLondon
  • Estonia flagPärnu
  • United Kingdom flagLeeds
    Extra vacations
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Team events
    Company retreats
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LHV serves clients from Estonia.

LHV is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    Get the app to see

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