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frank ai
Ignitis Group seeks Data Analyst to create data solutions, ensuring data quality in a mission to build a green energy ecosystem.
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frank ai
Ignitis Group aims to make the world more energy smart by developing better and smarter energy solutions. They prioritize green energy, striving for a 100% green and safe energy ecosystem.
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frank ai
Ignitis Group is a leading energy group in the Baltic region, focusing on innovation and green energy development. They aim to achieve 4-5 GW of installed capacity from renewable sources by 2030.
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frank ai
Operating in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, and Finland, Ignitis Group invests in energy startups globally, making substantial contributions to the energy industry's transformation.
frank ai
Candidates must hold a degree in Mathematics, IT, Economics, or Finance, and have experience with Power BI, SQL, and databases. Strong analytical skills and interest in data solutions are essential.
frank ai
Tasks include developing and maintaining data analytical solutions, ensuring data quality, summarizing business needs, and communicating data possibilities across the group.
frank ai
The position is based in Vilnius, Lithuania, with a hybrid work model requiring 3 days in office and 2 days remote, offering flexibility in work-life balance.
frank ai
Competitive salary commensurate with experience and skills, along with a variable financial incentive based on performance. Benefits include pension contributions and health insurance options.
frank ai
The company offers internal career growth opportunities and participation in innovative projects that contribute to the transformation of the energy sector.
frank ai
Ignitis Group cultivates a diverse and inclusive work culture, encouraging participation in group initiatives and fostering values of responsibility, partnership, openness, and growth.


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About the role

Bendrovės Aprašymas

Norėtum prisidėti prie švaresnio savo miesto kūrimo ir šviesos bei šilumos užtikrinimo savo namams?„Ignitis grupė“ – atsinaujinančiai energijai prioritetą teikianti integruota energijos paslaugų bendrovė, apjungianti daugiau nei 4300 skirtingų sričių ekspertų kasdienėje veikloje besivadovaujančių vertybėmis ir vienijamų bendro tikslo sukurti 100% žalią ir saugią energetikos ekosistemą dabarties ir ateities kartoms.  Vystome mažai anglies dioksido į aplinką išskiriantį gamybos portfelį, didžiausią dėmesį sutelkdami į jūrinio vėjo elektrinių, sausumos vėjo hibridinių elektrinių, elektros kaupimo, konvertavimo (angl. Power-to-X) bei saugojimo technologijas. Pasitelkdami integruoto verslo modelio privalumus, įgaliname žaliosios ir lanksčiosios gamybos plėtrą ir planuojame pasiekti 4–5 GW instaliuotos galios iki 2030 m.

Darbo Aprašymas

Šiuo metu ieškome naujos (-o) komandos narės (-io) skaitmenizacijos ir duomenų analitikos komandoje. Šioje pozicijoje būsi atsakinga (-as) už žmonių duomenų analitiką. Manai, mums pakeliui? Tuomet laukiame tavęs savo komandoje!  Take YOUR part in #EnergySmart!  Prisidėsi prie žalios ir saugios energetikos ekosistemos kūrimo:

  • Kuriant duomenų analitikos sprendimus, remiantis informacija apie grupės darbuotojus: surandant ir paimant duomenis, juos išanalizuojant ir pateikiant vizualiai;
  • Prižiūrint sukurtus duomenų analitikos sprendimus bei duomenų šaltinius;
  • Užtikrinant duomenų kokybę, kuriant kontrolės priemones, dalyvaujant projektinėje veikloje;
  • Sisteminant ir valdant duomenis bei užtikrinant jų kokybę;
  • Analizuojant verslo poreikius ir proaktyviai komunikuojant apie duomenų analitikos galimybes grupėje.
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Ignitis Group is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
    SQL or iOS Native Development or Analytics, BI
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

In everything we do, we are united by the mission to make the world more energy smart. Each day we develop energy that works ever better, smarter and more conveniently. Responsibility, Partnership, Openness and Improvement unite, motivate and inspire us.

There are


employees in the company


Company annual revenue


The main offices are located in Vilnius, Lithuania but we provide various job possibilities all around Lithuania. We also have officies in Latvia and Poland.
  • Lithuania flagVilnius
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Health insurance
    Team events
Office imageOffice image


The group’s core activities include power and heat production and supply, power and natural gas trading and distribution, and power system maintenance and development.

Ignitis Group is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
    SQL or iOS Native Development or Analytics, BI
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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