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frank ai
Join Ignitis Group, a leader in the energy sector pioneering smart and sustainable energy solutions across the Baltic region.
Office image
frank ai
Embrace the mission to make the world more energy-smart with Ignitis Group, enhancing energy reliability, partnering responsibly, and progressing constantly.
Office image
frank ai
Become part of a company that is innovating in green energy and striving to be a hub for new energy solutions in the Baltic Sea region and beyond.
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frank ai
Ignitis Group is recognized with a 'Top Employer 2024 Lithuania' certification, reinforcing its commitment to excellence in human resource management.
frank ai
Contribute to seamless customer service as a Kontaktų Centro Kokybės Specialist, ensuring effective communication and quality standards are met.
frank ai
Candidates should hold a bachelor's degree, have excellent Lithuanian and good English skills, and at least one year's experience in customer service.
frank ai
Ignitis Group offers extensive opportunities for professional development, learning from the best in the energy industry with a package of additional benefits.
frank ai
Be part of an equal opportunities employer where diversity is cherished and discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability is not tolerated.
frank ai
As a quality assurance specialist, manage tasks between the contact center and the energy distribution operator, ensuring process improvement and efficiency.
frank ai
Dive into an exciting role located in Vilnius, contributing to a sustainable future, and join Ignitis Group's journey toward energy excellence!


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About the role

Bendrovės Aprašymas

„Ignitis grupė“ – didžiausia biržoje listinguojama bendrovė ir energetikos lyderė Baltijos šalyse. Grupės įmonės gamina energiją, ją tiekia, skirsto ir teikia visas paslaugas, reikalingas energetiškai sumaniam pasauliui. Viena iš jų, „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“ (ESO) užtikrina nenutrūkstamą energijos tiekimą šalies žmonėms. Bendrovė eksploatuoja bei prižiūri elektros ir dujų skirstomuosius tinklus, stiprina jų patikimumą, taip pat diegia išmaniuosius sprendimus, rūpinasi tinklų gedimų šalinimu ir naujų klientų prijungimu, garantiniu elektros ir dujų tiekimu. ESO rūpinasi daugiau nei 126 tūkst. km elektros oro ir kabelių linijomis, eksploatuoja per 9 tūkst. km dujotiekių.

Darbo Aprašymas

Ieškome kolegės (-os), kuri (-is) prisijungtų prie mūsų komandos ir padės užtikrinti sklandų kliento aptarnavimą Kontaktų (skambučių) centre. Vertiname atvirumą, partnerystė yra mūsų stiprybės ženklas, o atsakomybė padeda būti nepralenkiama komanda. Jei visa tai Jums artima, kviečiame jungtis prie mūsų. Jūsų pagrindinės užduotys:

  • Užtikrinsite sklandžią komunikaciją tarp ESO ir Kontaktų centro;
  • Deleguosite Kontaktų centrui užduotis bei tikrinsite jų atlikimą;
  • Administruosite bei prižiūrėsite dokumentus, juos, esant poreikiui, atnaujinsite;
  • Analizuosite Kontaktų centro kokybinius rodiklius, klausysite pokalbių, teiksite išvadas, inicijuosite pokyčius;
  • Tarpininkausite tarp ESO ir Kontaktų centro diegiant procedūrų pokyčius, organizuojant mokymus;
  • Prisidėsite prie sklandaus ir savalaikio informacijos atnaujinimo, reikalingo kliento aptarnavimui;
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Ignitis Group is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
    iOS Native Development
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

In everything we do, we are united by the mission to make the world more energy smart. Each day we develop energy that works ever better, smarter and more conveniently. Responsibility, Partnership, Openness and Improvement unite, motivate and inspire us.

There are


employees in the company


Company annual revenue


The main offices are located in Vilnius, Lithuania but we provide various job possibilities all around Lithuania. We also have officies in Latvia and Poland.
  • Lithuania flagVilnius
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Health insurance
    Team events
Office imageOffice image


The group’s core activities include power and heat production and supply, power and natural gas trading and distribution, and power system maintenance and development.

Ignitis Group is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
    iOS Native Development
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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