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frank ai
Fuel the future as a lab expert with Ignitis Group, shaping a 100% green energy ecosystem.
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frank ai
Ignitis Group pioneers in the Baltic energy market, focusing on green energy and sustainability, serving millions with power and natural gas.
Office image
frank ai
With offices in Vilnius and presence across the Baltics, Ignitis stands out for its cutting-edge green energy solutions and expansive reach.
Office image
frank ai
Embark on a mission with Ignitis to create smarter, more convenient energy solutions powered by Responsibility, Partnership, Openness, and Improvement.
frank ai
Be part of Ignitis Group's strategic move to green energy serving as a hub for expertise in the Baltic Sea region with global startup investments.
frank ai
Ensure quality in biofuel, waste, and ash analysis and documentation preparations as an integral part of Ignitis's Kuro laboratory team.
frank ai
Candidates require a degree in physical, technological, or engineering sciences, plus 1-year lab experience and basic English skills.
frank ai
Ignitis offers a competitive salary with performance incentives, choice benefits, additional leave options, and a safe modern work environment.
frank ai
This on-site opportunity based in Vilnius invites meticulous self-starters to join a dynamic international team driving green initiatives.
frank ai
An inclusive, gender-balanced workplace awaits, valuing diversity and expertise. Ignitis is where you can impact the future of energy!


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About the role

Bendrovės Aprašymas

Norėtum prisidėti prie švaresnio savo miesto kūrimo ir šviesos bei šilumos užtikrinimo savo namams? „Ignitis grupė“, kurios svarbią dalį sudaro „Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė“ (VKJ), yra integruota atsinaujinančios energijos bendrovė. Pagrindinis mūsų siekis yra sukurti 100 % žalią ir saugią energetikos ekosistemą dabarties ir ateities kartoms.   VKJ, didžiausia ir moderniausia kogeneracinė jėgainė sostinėje, yra pritaikyta energiją ir šilumą gaminti naudojant biokurą ir perdirbti netinkamas komunalines atliekas. Jėgainė per metus šiluma gali aprūpinti iki 40 proc., o elektros energija – maždaug 320 tūkst. namų ūkių.

Darbo Aprašymas

Šiuo metu ieškome naujos (-o) komandos narės (-io) Kuro laboratorijos komandoje. Šioje pozicijoje būsi atsakinga (-as) už kietojo biokuro, atliekų ir pelenų kokybinių parametrų nustatymą bei dokumentacijos rengimą. Manai, mums pakeliui? Tuomet laukiame tavęs savo komandoje!  Take YOUR part in #EnergySmart!  Prisidėsi prie žalios ir saugios energetikos ekosistemos kūrimo:

  • Nustatant kietojo biokuro, atliekų ir pelenų kokybinių parametrus;
  • Rengiant protokolus ir ataskaitas apie atliktus tyrimus;
  • Rengiant kitus dokumentus reikalingus laboratorijos veiklai;
  • Dalyvaujant, rengiant ir užtikrinant laboratorijos akreditacijos procedūras, atlliekant palyginamuosius tyrimus. # Kvalifikacijos
  • Aukštasis arba aukštasis universitetinis fizinių, technologijos arba inžinerinių mokslų išsilavinimas;
  • 1 metų darbo patirtis laboratorijoje;
  • Anglų kalbos pagrindai;
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Ignitis Group is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
    iOS Native Development
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

In everything we do, we are united by the mission to make the world more energy smart. Each day we develop energy that works ever better, smarter and more conveniently. Responsibility, Partnership, Openness and Improvement unite, motivate and inspire us.

There are


employees in the company


Company annual revenue


The main offices are located in Vilnius, Lithuania but we provide various job possibilities all around Lithuania. We also have officies in Latvia and Poland.
  • Lithuania flagVilnius
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Health insurance
    Team events
Office imageOffice image


The group’s core activities include power and heat production and supply, power and natural gas trading and distribution, and power system maintenance and development.

Ignitis Group is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
    iOS Native Development
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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