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frank ai
Join SEB LT in shaping the future of finance with cutting-edge tech and a dedication to service excellence.
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frank ai
SEB LT prides itself on a culture where growth is a journey, encouraging you to explore your full potential in a supportive environment.
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frank ai
SEB LT isn't just a financial institution; it's among the largest IT companies, setting global service standards for a diverse client portfolio.
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frank ai
Operating across continents, SEB LT's markets span from Europe to Asia, offering a spectrum of services for wealth management and beyond.
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frank ai
SEB LT's offices aren't just offices; they're innovation hubs with nap rooms, libraries, and terraces, designed to inspire your best work.
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frank ai
As a Private Banking Personal Manager at SEB LT, foster long-term relationships and provide unparalleled service to our most valued clients.
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frank ai
SEB LT values your dedication to learning with extensive opportunities, ensuring you're as invested in your career as we are in you.
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frank ai
Prospective candidates should bring 2+ years in banking services, product knowledge, effective communication, planning skills, and higher education.
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frank ai
SEB LT offers a gross monthly salary ranging from €2,000 to €3,000, competitive with industry standards, reflecting expertise and experience.
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frank ai
Embark on a rewarding path with SEB LT in Vilnius—where your expertise meets our commitment to growth. Application window closes April 26.

Asmeninis vadybininkas (-ė) Privačiosios bankininkystės skyriuje| SEB, Vilnius

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About the role

Privačioji bankininkystė apima platų spektrą paslaugų turtingiausiems banko klientams, pradedant nuo kasdieninių finansinių operacijų iki asmeninės finansų valdymo strategijos kūrimo. Bendradarbiaujant su kitais SEB grupės padaliniais savo klientams visada siūlome aukščiausius tarptautinius standartus atitinkančius sprendimus. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriame turto ir investicijų struktūrai, individualiems finansiniams sprendimams ir glaudžiam tarpusavio ryšiui su klientais kurti.

Tavo atsakomybės:
  • Dirbdamas komandoje su privačiu bankininku, būti atsakingu už kompetentingą klientų aptarnavimą bei ilgalaikių santykių stiprinimą
  • Konsultuoti privačiosios bankininkystės klientus, atsižvelgdamas į išskirtinius jų poreikius,
  • Užtikrinti, kad Privačiosios bankininkystės skyriaus pagrindinių klientų šeimos nariai, įtraukti į Privačiosios bankininkystės paslaugų teikimo sutartį, gautų visas būtinąsias paslaugas ir informaciją pagal jų poreikius , # Savybės ir kompetencijos, kurias vertiname:
  • Turi ne mažiau nei 2 metai darbo patirties teikiant banko paslaugas
  • Išmanai banko paslaugas ir produktus
  • Turi arba planuoji įgyti BFIA licenciją
  • Efektyviai bendrauji ir bendradarbiauji, gebi dirbti komandoje
  • Gebi efektyviai planuoti laiką
  • Turi aukštesnįjį, aukštąjį išsilavinimą arba esi paskutinių kursų studentas
  • Moki anglų ir/ar rusų kalbą , # Tikime, kad tave motyvuotų:
  • Galimybė kurti prasmingus ryšius su klientais
  • Teikti pasaulinio lygio paslaugas klientams
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SEB LT is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
    iOS Native Development
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

At SEB, you can explore your full potential and beyond. We will not only inspire your journey but actively invest in it – and we're in it for the long haul. Ready to shape your career in a company where people take centre stage? Welcome to SEB – a place where growth is an ongoing journey.
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employees in the company


Our central offices are equipped with modern technology and have flexibility to adapt the space to people's needs which makes these buildings exclusive and modern. You can find convenient working and meeting places as well as leisure or concentration places like: nap room, library, meditation room, quiet room, games room, gym, roof terrace for a spectacular view.

  • Lithuania flagVilnius
    Stock options
    Extra vacations
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Health insurance
    Tuition assistance
    Free food
    Free coffee
    Team events
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Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Brazil, China and Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Ukraine, United States.

SEB LT is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
    iOS Native Development
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    Get the app to see

This job opening is already off the market.
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