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frank ai
Join a leading Northern European financial institution with a presence in over 20 countries.
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frank ai
Work in a multifaceted environment, where SEB combines banking expertise with cutting-edge IT solutions to provide top-tier financial and digital services.
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frank ai
Become part of an inclusive culture focused on long-term growth and opportunities, where every journey is supported and celebrated.
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frank ai
SEB offers a dynamic workspace with modern tech, adaptable areas for work and leisure activities, and even a rooftop terrace in Riga.
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frank ai
Apply for a Business Coordinator role that involves office management, document control, and supporting daily employee tasks in Riga.
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frank ai
Seeking candidates with higher education, excellent English, strong communication, problem-solving skills, and preferably a finance background.
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frank ai
Offering a monthly salary range of 1500 – 1750 EUR gross, matching the responsibilities and qualifications required for the role.
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frank ai
Responsibilities include coordinating board meetings, managing travel arrangements, and liaising across business units to improve skills.
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frank ai
Enjoy extensive learning experiences and the chance to requalify within the company, fostering continual professional development.
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frank ai
Apply by May 27th to a company where innovation, diversity, and inclusion are keys to future success, making every employee feel valued.
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Biroja administrators/-e (Biznesa koordinators /-e) | SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE

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About the role

Ja vēlies veidot savu karjeru starprautiskā uzņēmumā, pievienojieties mums jau šodien, lai paātrinātu virzību uz ilgtspējīgu nākotni. SEB ir vadošā Ziemeļeiropas finanšu pakalpojumu uzņēmumu grupa, kas darbojas vairāk nekā 20 pasaules valstīs. Mūsu 3500 mērķtiecīgie darbinieki sniedz plašu banku pakalpojumu klāstu vietējiem privātā un korporatīvā segmenta klientiem. Mūsu darba vides pamats ir kvalitāte un uzticēšanās. Mēs uzklausām savus klientus un viens otru, un mēs raugāmies uz it visu, ko darām, no uzņēmējdarbības perspektīvas. Vai esi ieinteresēts? Turpini lasīt! Par šo amatu: SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE biznesa koordinātors strādās iekļaujošā profesionāļu komandā. Mūsu dinamiskajā vidē Tev būs iespēja organizēt un pārraudzīt biroja darbu, nodrošināt lietvedības dokumentu apriti, sniegt atbalstu uzņēmuma darbiniekiem ikdienas darbos, koordinēt un protokolēt valdes sēdes, palīdzēt organizēt komandējumus, veikt pasūtījumus birojam nepieciešamo preču vai pakalpojumu iegādei u.c. Sadarbojoties ar citām biznesa struktūrvienībām, Tev būs iespēja iepazīties arī ar citām uzņēmējdarbības jomām un pilnveidot savas prasmes.

Amatam nepieciešamās prasmes:
  • Vismaz pirmā līmeņa augstākā izglītība
  • Iepriekšēja pieredze biroja administratora/valdes asistenta vai lietveža amatā tiks novērtēta kā priekšrocība
  • Teicamas problēmu risināšanas prasmes un spēja uzņemties atbildību
  • Lieliskas komunikācijas prasmes
  • Teicamas angļu valodas zināšanas (mutvārdos un rakstiski)
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SEB LV is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

At SEB, you can explore your full potential and beyond. We will not only inspire your journey but actively invest in it – and we're in it for the long haul. Ready to shape your career in a company where people take centre stage? Welcome to SEB – a place where growth is an ongoing journey.
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employees in the company


Our offices are equipped with modern technologies and have the flexibility to adapt the space to people's needs. You can find convenient working and meeting places as well as leisure or focus places like a library, quiet room, gym, lounge or the roof terrace to enjoy some fresh air and lovely weather.
  • Latvia flagRiga
    Stock options
    Extra vacations
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Health insurance
    Free coffee
    Team events
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Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Ukraine, United States.

SEB LV is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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