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frank ai
Join us at SEB, a leading Northern European financial services group with a worldwide reach spanning over 20 countries.
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frank ai
SEB offers you more than just a job; it's an opportunity to grow beyond your potential in a company where individual development is foundational.
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frank ai
Embrace a dual role at SEB—one of the largest IT companies and a major financial institution providing expert financial services globally.
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frank ai
Experience the SEB Riga office, designed for adaptability with modern tech, gyms, lounges, and a terrace that create a dynamic work environment.
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frank ai
SEB values growth with extensive training possibilities, allowing you to continually upgrade your skills and take on new challenges.
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frank ai
Benefit from the flexibility to work onsite or remotely, fostering a balanced work-life integration with our diverse and friendly team.
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frank ai
Prospective candidates should hold a degree, preferably in finance, economics, or law, with experience in fraud prevention and critical analysis.
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frank ai
The compensation for this role is competitive, with a gross monthly salary range of 1800-2200 EUR, reflecting SEB's commitment to rewarding talent.
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frank ai
As a Fraud Prevention Specialist, you'll analyze data, interact with clients, and support team efforts in mitigating financial crimes effectively.
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frank ai
Apply by April 22, 2024, to contribute to SEB's inclusive culture where diversity is celebrated and every individual is valued and empowered.
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Krāpšanas novēršanas speciālists /-e | SEB, Rīga

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About the role

SEB ir vadošā Ziemeļeiropas finanšu pakalpojumu uzņēmumu grupa, kas darbojas vairāk nekā 20 pasaules valstīs. Mūsu 3500 mērķtiecīgie darbinieki sniedz plašu banku pakalpojumu klāstu vietējiem privātā un korporatīvā segmenta klientiem. Mūsu darba vides pamats ir kvalitāte un uzticēšanās. Mēs uzklausām savus klientus un viens otru, un mēs raugāmies uz it visu, ko darām, no uzņēmējdarbības perspektīvas. Vai esi ieinteresēts? Turpini lasīt! SEB Bankas krāpšanas novēršanas funkcija turpina attīstīties, ieviešot un pilnveidojot gan krāpšanas novēršanas tehnoloģiskos risinājumus, gan procesus un kontroles. Mūsu mērķis ir kļūt par līderi krāpšanas apkarošanā, tāpēc savā komandā meklējam papildinājumu - krāpšanas novēršanas speciālistu.

Kā Krāpšanas novēršanas speciālists Tu būsi atbildīgs/-a par:
  • Finanšu noziegumu identificēšanu un izmeklēšanu krāpšanas novēršanas sistēmā
  • Datu analīzi, lai atklātu un novērstu krāpšanas gadījumus
  • Komunikāciju ar klientiem par krāpšanas gadījumiem
  • Krāpšanas izmeklēšanu un sadarbību ar tiesībaizsardzības iestādēm gadījumos, kad tas nepieciešams
  • Ieteikumiem un priekšlikumiem krāpšanas novēršanas sistēmas pilnveidošanai
  • Atbalsta un konsultāciju sniegšanu Bankas struktūrvienībām par finanšu noziegumu jautājumiem , # No Tevis mēs sagaidām:
  • Augstāko izglītību, vēlams finansēs, ekonomikā vai jurisprudencē
  • Pieredzi krāpšanas novēršanā vai līdzīgā jomā
  • Spēju analizēt lielas datu kopas un identificēt aizdomīgas darbības
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SEB LV is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

At SEB, you can explore your full potential and beyond. We will not only inspire your journey but actively invest in it – and we're in it for the long haul. Ready to shape your career in a company where people take centre stage? Welcome to SEB – a place where growth is an ongoing journey.
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employees in the company


Our offices are equipped with modern technologies and have the flexibility to adapt the space to people's needs. You can find convenient working and meeting places as well as leisure or focus places like a library, quiet room, gym, lounge or the roof terrace to enjoy some fresh air and lovely weather.
  • Latvia flagRiga
    Stock options
    Extra vacations
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Health insurance
    Free coffee
    Team events
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Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Ukraine, United States.

SEB LV is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    Get the app to see

This job opening is already off the market.
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