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frank ai
Embark on a finance career with an IT twist at a major player in data sciences and automation!
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frank ai
SEB is dedicated to inspiring journeys with a long-term commitment to growth, making it a unique place to shape your career.
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frank ai
With operations across multiple continents, SEB stands as a global institution, offering vast exposure and diverse experiences.
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frank ai
The workplace is a tech-enable haven, adaptable to individual needs – from meeting spaces to quiet zones for focus.
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frank ai
Interns handle leasing applications, evaluate client data, and work closely with partners, gaining invaluable industry insights.
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frank ai
Fluency in Latvian and English, an understanding of corporate finance and risk factors are necessary for delivering success.
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frank ai
An intern benefits from real-world tasks, a paid summer position, and access to SEB's internal university for unparalleled learning.
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frank ai
Joining SEB's Youth LAB means earning a gross monthly salary of 850 EUR, blending financial reward with professional enrichment.
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frank ai
Become part of a friendly and responsive collective, where staff well-being is central, allowing you to thrive in your role.
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frank ai
If you're ready for a multifaceted experience and meet the language and finance acumen requirements, join SEB's innovative team by April 12th.
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Prakse SEB Līzingā, Youth LAB vasaras programmā | SEB, Rīga

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About the role

Youth LAB ir apmaksāta starptautiska prakses programma studentiem SEB bankā. Tu veltīsi piecas nedēļas laika, strādājot pie reāliem un jēgpilniem biznesa projektiem. Vienu nedēļu pavadīsi jaunu un ilgstpējīgu risinājumu radīšanai inovācijām un apgūsi dizaina domāšanas metodes. Tev būs savs personīgais mentors, kurš Tevi atbalstīs visas prakses laikā. SIA "SEB līzings" ir viens no vadošajiem transportlīdzekļu un tehnikas finansētājiem Latvijā, kas piedāvā līzinga pakalpojumus gan privātpersonām gan uzņēmumiem. Prakses laikā būs iespēja iepazīt līzinga procesu no pieteikumu izskatīšanas līdz darījuma noformēšanai, uzzināt galvenos risku ietekmējošos faktorus, kā arī gūt vērtīgu ieskatu par Latvijas līzinga tirgu.

Mēs Tev uzticēsim:
  • Līzinga ienākošo pieteikumu un dokumentu apstrādi
  • Juridisko personu līzinga pieteikumu sākotnējo izvērtēšanu
  • Komunikāciju ar SEB līzings sadarbības partneriem
  • Tirgus datu un citas statistikas apkopošanu un analītiku , # Mēs novērtēsim, ja Tev ir:
  • Teicamas latviešu un angļu valodas zināšanas
  • Izpratne par uzņēmumu finansēm un galvenajiem risku ietekmējošajiem faktoriem
  • Precizitāte, atbildība un stresa noturība
  • Spēja darboties komandā , # Mēs Tev piedāvāsim:
  • Iespēju darboties pie īstiem un reāliem ikdienas bankas uzdevumiem
  • Apmaksātu praksi no maija līdz septembrim (ar iespēju pielāgot)
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SEB LV is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

At SEB, you can explore your full potential and beyond. We will not only inspire your journey but actively invest in it – and we're in it for the long haul. Ready to shape your career in a company where people take centre stage? Welcome to SEB – a place where growth is an ongoing journey.
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Our offices are equipped with modern technologies and have the flexibility to adapt the space to people's needs. You can find convenient working and meeting places as well as leisure or focus places like a library, quiet room, gym, lounge or the roof terrace to enjoy some fresh air and lovely weather.
  • Latvia flagRiga
    Stock options
    Extra vacations
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Health insurance
    Free coffee
    Team events
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Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Ukraine, United States.

SEB LV is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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