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Join SEB EE, a leading-edge bank dedicated to comprehensive financial services and IT solutions globally.
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frank ai
Be part of SEB, operating across Europe, Brazil, China, and more, impacting local and global communities.
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frank ai
SEB prioritizes a workplace of quality and trust, where your voice is heard and entrepreneurship is encouraged.
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SEB's modern work environment is teeming with the latest technologies, tailored for dynamic working styles.
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Ensure banking integrity by conducting thorough reviews and risk assessments of client profiles.
frank ai
Conduct transaction analyses, identify potential risks, and interact with clients to validate data as part of SEB's KYC/AML team.
frank ai
Candidates should possess KYC/AML knowledge, strong analytical skills, and be fluent in Estonian and English.
frank ai
SEB promotes sustainability with stable careers, extensive learning opportunities, and a supportive work-life balance.
frank ai
SEB offers attractive compensation, modern working methods, and banking privileges to facilitate your professional development.
frank ai
Embrace an opportunity to grow with a value-driven, diverse company fostering a culture where all employees are valued.

KYC/AML spetsialist | SEB, Tartu

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About the role

Liitu meiega juba täna ja kiirenda sammu jätkusuutlikuma tuleviku suunas. SEB-s töötamine toob kaasa positiivseid muutusi kohalikele klientidele ja kogukondadele ning aitab laiendada professionaalset võrgustikku. Väärtustame töökeskkonda, mille märksõnadeks on kvaliteet ja usaldus. Kuulame oma kliente ja üksteist ning tegutseme ettevõtlikult. Kas arvad, et meie väärtused ühtivad? Vaata allapoole, et lugeda edasi. KYC/AML meeskond hoolitseb panga kliendiportfelli vastavuse eest KYC/AML nõuetele. Meile on oluline olla usaldusväärne pank nii uuele kui ka olemasolevale kliendile. Selleks et osutada parimat teenust ning tagada finantssektori usaldusväärne toimimine, järgime ühte panganduse peamist põhimõtet ja kohustust: tunne oma klienti.

KYC/AML spetsialistina
  • teostad põhjalikke kliendi ülevaatuseid lähtuvalt konkreetse kliendi riskiprofiilist, tegeled peamiselt äriklientidega kuid vajadusel ka eraklientidega;
  • ülevaatuste raames hindad ning analüüsid kliendi profiili, tehinguid ja pangale tekkivaid võimalikke rahapesu, terrorismi rahastamise ja rahvusvaheliste sanktsioonide  riske;
  • analüüsid kliendi tehinguid ja tegeled tehingu asjaolude ning võimalike riskide väljaselgitamisega;
  • vajadusel suhtled kliendiga andmete täpsustamiseks;
  • vajadusel esitled analüüsi leide komitees;
  • täidad ülesannetele seatud eesmärke. , # Ootame Sind meie tiimiga liituma, kui
  • omad teadmisi pangale esitatavatest KYC/AML nõuetest 
  • oskad lugeda ja analüüsida finantsandmeid, samuti tulevad kasuks maksundusvaldkonna teadmised;
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SEB EE is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

At SEB, you can explore your full potential and beyond. We will not only inspire your journey but actively invest in it – and we're in it for the long haul. Ready to shape your career in a company where people take centre stage? Welcome to SEB – a place where growth is an ongoing journey.
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Our offices are equipped with modern technologies and have the flexibility to adapt the space to people's needs. You can find convenient working and meeting places as well as leisure or focus places like a library, quiet room, lounge to enjoy some fresh air and lovely weather.
  • Estonia flagTallinn
    Extra vacations
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Tuition assistance
    Gym membership
    Free coffee
    Team events
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Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Ukraine, United States.

SEB EE is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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