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Senior Java arendaja

Märt Ridala

Country Director, Estonia

Otsime oma tiimi Java liid-arendajat. Kedagi, kes oleks meie Eesti Java tiimi esimene liige ning aitaks ehitada meie Eesti Java arenduse äri ja tiimi kuid kes samas oleks valmis osalema meie suurtes Soome Java projektides. Solita on kiirelt kasvav Põhjamaades, Eestis ja mitmes Euroopa riigis tegutsev tarkvara ja data süsteemide…

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About the role

Otsime oma tiimi Java liid-arendajat. Kedagi, kes oleks meie Eesti Java tiimi esimene liige ning aitaks ehitada meie Eesti Java arenduse äri ja tiimi kuid kes samas oleks valmis osalema meie suurtes Soome Java projektides. Solita on kiirelt kasvav Põhjamaades, Eestis ja mitmes Euroopa riigis tegutsev tarkvara ja data süsteemide arendusfirma. Me kasutame modernseid platforme nagu AWS, Azure ning agiilseid töömeetodeid. Meil on oma ala tipp-spetsialistid ning me töötame suurte klientidega nii era- kui riigisektorist. Meie Eesti kontor on Tallinnas kuid meile on sobiv ka kaugtöö mujalt Eestist.

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Solita is open for

  • People for
    Software Engineering
  • Interested to work in
  • Who specialize in
    Backend Development or Full-Stack Development
  • And have following skills
    Java or Clojure or Kotlin or .NET
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniorities
    Senior or Lead or Executive
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    3,000 - 4,000 / month, gross

The story

All we care about is creating impact that lasts, and we have the tech, the data and the insight to do just that. Our community of experts work together with you to help design and build not just any future, but the future we all need.
There are


employees in the company

100M to 500M

Company annual revenue


Solita’s cosy office in Tallinn is located in Maakri Torn, Maakri 19/1, in the centre of Tallinn near the old town and the shopping centre Viru Keskus. We also have a cozy office in Tartu + 20 more in 6 countries where every Solitan is welcome to work.
  • Estonia flagTallinn
  • Estonia flagTartu
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Health insurance
    Gym membership
    Free food
    Free coffee
    Team events
    Free parking
Office imageOffice imageOffice image


Our customers are large Nordic and European companies and organizations. For example systems developed by us manage the ice-breaker traffic on the Baltic sea and trains in Finland. We build data systems that help companies like the mobile operator DNA or Suunto to offer better service to their customers and optimize their operations. Read more about our customer stories here:

Solita is open for

  • People for
    Software Engineering
  • Interested to work in
  • Who specialize in
    Backend Development or Full-Stack Development
  • And have following skills
    Java or Clojure or Kotlin or .NET
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniorities
    Senior or Lead or Executive
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    3,000 - 4,000 / month, gross

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