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frank ai
Join a company specializing in cutting-edge solar energy distribution across the Baltics and Scandinavia, known for reliable and client-focused solutions.
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frank ai
Be a part of Soprana Personnel International, a distinguished headhunting firm catering to IT, finance, and sales sectors, and facilitating international growth for firms in the Baltics.
frank ai
Contribute to building all-star teams that empower companies to scale effectively and efficiently, ensuring significant impact in a competitive international market.
frank ai
The company supports professional growth, offering exciting career advancement opportunities in a nurturing and forward-thinking environment.
frank ai
Criteria include customer service orientation, solid MS Office skills with the ability to learn new software quickly, and a proficiency in English communication.
frank ai
Expect to handle online customer service, coordinate order fulfilment, manage organizational tasks, and provide logistic and administrative support.
frank ai
An understanding of logistics processes, Russian language skills, and prior customer service experience will be key advantages in this role.
frank ai
Receive a competitive salary offer with additional benefits that echo the company's commitment to its employees' well-being and satisfaction.
frank ai
Make the most of working onsite in Vilnius, a city that merges cultural richness with a vibrant and innovative business environment.
frank ai
Take this chance to join a pioneering international enterprise emphasizing innovation in solar energy solutions—apply and grow with a leader in the field!

Klientų aptarnavimo specialistas(ė) saulės energetikos įmonėje (Vilniuje)

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About the role

Apie įmonę: mūsų klientas - sėkminga distribucijos įmonė, teikianti visus reikalingus komponentus saulės energetikos jėgainėms Baltijos ir Skandinavijos šalyse. Mes esame žinomi kaip patikimi tiekėjai, teikiantys modernius, orientuotus į klientą sprendimus, ir užtikrinantys vietinės palaikymo sistemos teikiamą naudą, kurios mūsų partneriams reikia, kad jų veikla vyktų sklandžiai. Uždaviniai:

  • Klientų aptarnavimas elektroninėje erdvėje: užsakymų registravimas ir dokumentavimas.
  • Užsakymų realizavimo organizavimas ir koordinavimas, įskaitant transporto užsakymą.
  • Kiti organizaciniai darbai: duomenų bazės pildymas, pretenzijų proceso priežiūra, dokumentų ruošimas buhalterijai. Ką mes vertiname:
  • Orientacija į klientą ir atsakingumas.
  • Geri darbo su kompiuteriu įgūdžiai (MS Office), imlumas naujoms programoms.
  • Anglų kalbos žinios - raštu ir žodžiu.
  • Logistikos procesų supratimas (privalumas).
  • Rusų kalbos žinios (privalumas).
  • Patirtis klientų aptarnavimo srityje (privalumas).
  • Puikūs laiko planavimo ir organizavimo įgūdžiai.
  • Gebėjimas greitai reaguoti į situacijas, atidumas, lankstumas, kruopštumas, savarankiškumas. Siūlome:
  • Galimybę prisijungti prie inovatyvios ir augančios tarptautinės įmonės.
  • Profesinio tobulėjimo ir karjeros augimo galimybes.
  • Konkurencingą atlyginimą ir papildomas naudas. Jei manote, kad atitinkate mūsų keliamus reikalavimus ir norite prisidėti prie mūsų kliento komandos, spauskite "Kandidatuoti" ir prisekite savo gyvenimo aprašymą.
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Soprana Personnel International is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
    iOS Native Development
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

Our goal is to help our clients effectively grow by finding all-star teams for their companies.
There are

11 – 50

employees in the company

1M to 3M

Company annual revenue


We are a recruitment and headhunting company, specializing in the industry, e-commerce, marketing, sales, finance, and IT recruitment services internationally.
  • Lithuania flagVilnius
  • Latvia flagRiga
  • Lithuania flagKaunas
  • Norway flagTromsø
  • Lithuania flagKlaipėda
    Extra vacations
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Health insurance
    Tuition assistance
    Free coffee
    Team events
    Company retreats


We are a recruitment and headhunting company, specialising in sales, finance and IT recruitment services in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Lithuania and Latvia.

Soprana Personnel International is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
    iOS Native Development
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    Get the app to see

This job opening is already off the market.
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