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frank ai
Join Swedbank and help develop financial services with a real impact! Influence millions of users in Estonia and beyond.
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frank ai
Swedbank stands as Estonia's largest bank, offering comprehensive banking services to individuals and businesses. Be a part of an institution that shapes financial futures.
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frank ai
Swedbank's mission goes beyond financial growth. Engage in promoting sustainable financial situations for households and businesses with a caring, open, and simple approach.
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frank ai
With 850,000 private customers and 139,000 companies in Estonia, Swedbank's internet bank has 580,000 users and its mobile bank serves 294,000 users. Join a company with vast market reach.
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frank ai
Swedbank values flexibility, allowing employees to work from their home cities. The main office for this role is in Tallinn, enabling a hybrid work setup.
frank ai
Conduct enhanced due diligence based on customer risk profiles, assess customer behavior patterns, and collaborate with other risk units to make society safer.
frank ai
Proficiency in Estonian and at least conversational skills in Russian and English are essential. Candidates should be detail-oriented with strong analytical skills and an interest in economics.
frank ai
A higher education degree or ongoing studies in law, finance, or economics are preferred. Strong writing skills for documenting analyses and decisions are crucial for success.
frank ai
The position offers a gross monthly salary ranging from €1200 to €1800, reflecting experience and qualifications. Work with a leader in the financial sector.
frank ai
Join Swedbank to enhance your career, contribute to a leading bank, and promote secure financial practices. Make a tangible impact on society while growing professionally.

Juuniorspetsialist rahapesu tõkestamise valdkonda


Carmen Riiv

Junior Career Specialist

Sul on huvi rahapesu tõkestamise (AML) ja „Tunne oma klienti“ (KYC) valdkonna vastu ning Sulle meeldib otsida ja analüüsida informatsiooni?
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About the role

Tere 👋

Üheskoos meiega saad:
  • alustada oma teekonda ja areneda KYC/AML valdkonnas;
  • viia läbi tugevdatud hoolsusmeetmeid (EDD) vastavalt kliendi riskiprofiilile;
  • hinnata kliendi käitumismustreid ning rakendada vajalikke riskimaandamismeetmeid;
  • teha koostööd teiste riskiüksustega ning muuta ühiskonda veelgi turvalisemaks. ## Oled rollis edukas, kui Sul on:
  • väga hea eesti ja vähemalt suhtlustasemel vene ning inglise keele oskus, töötamiseks erinevate materjalidega ja suhtlemiseks klientidega telefoni ja meili teel;
  • oskus orienteeruda infotulvas ja tähelepanelikkus märgata seoseid ja/või vastuolusid andmetes;
  • hea kirjalik eneseväljendusoskus analüüsitulemuste ja põhjendatud otsuste koostamiseks;
  • huvi majandusvaldkonnas toimuva vastu nii lokaalses kui globaalses võtmes (nt virtuaalvääringud, logistika ja sanktsioonid);
  • kõrgharidus või oled seda omandamas (eelistatult juriidika-, finants- või majandusvaldkonnas- ).
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Swedbank is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • Who specialize in
    Compliance & Risk or Risk Analysis or KYC
  • And have following skills
    English or Russian or Estonian
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniorities
    Junior or Mid-level
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    1,200 - 1,800 / month, gross

The story

We promote a sound and sustainable financial situation for the many households and businesses. We believe in a future that will stretch beyond financial growth, we want to make people, businesses, good initiatives and society to grow in a sustainable way. We’re open, simple and caring towards our clients, each other and society.
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employees in the company


We value workplace flexibility and aim to provide our employees opportunity to work from their home city. Swedbank has branches in most Estonian cities. Specific information about office locations is available at
  • Estonia flagTallinn
    Extra vacations
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Tuition assistance
    Gym membership
    Free coffee
    Team events
Office imageOffice imageOffice image


We are the leading bank for the many households and businesses in our home markets – Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Swedbank is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • Who specialize in
    Compliance & Risk or Risk Analysis or KYC
  • And have following skills
    English or Russian or Estonian
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniorities
    Junior or Mid-level
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    1,200 - 1,800 / month, gross

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