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Transcom: A global leader in CX, leveraging 28,000 specialists for top international brands.
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frank ai
Offers unique perks including health insurance, gym access, life coach sessions, fruit Fridays, and eyewear compensation.
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frank ai
Transcom stands out in the CX field for its advisory, care, sales, support, and collections services across 50 centers.
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frank ai
Join a company where 90% of the leaders have grown internally, promising true career progression opportunities.
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frank ai
Transcom champions a mutually supportive environment; embracing and nurturing talent from day one.
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frank ai
Field incoming calls and messages in Latvian, Russian, and English, helping resolve customer issues efficiently.
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frank ai
Seeking quick learners with a strong customer focus and proficiency in Latvian, Russian, and English (min B2 level).
frank ai
Benefit from a flexible work schedule in shifts plus part-time options, enhancing work-life balance.
frank ai
Dedicated, paid training to enrich your customer service experience in a dynamic startup environment.
frank ai
Apply as a Customer Service Dispatcher at Transcom Latvia for the chance to build a career in an empowering international setting.

Klientu apkalpošanas dispečers/-e

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About the role

Esat komunikabls un gatavs gūt jaunu darba pieredzi, kas palīdzētu pacelt Jūsu komunikācijas prasmes? Mēs meklējam klientu apkalpošanas speciālistus, kas gatavi mācīties, pilnveidoties un pievienoties mūsu lielajai komandai. Ja brīvi runā latviešu valodā un viegli pārvaldi arī krievu  un angļu valodu, tad piesakies un uzsāc savu karjeru ar Transcom! Ko TU no tā iegūsi!

  • Darbu starptautiskā vidē,
  • Iespēju strādāt ar vienu no straujāk augošajiem start-up Baltijā,
  • Karjeras iespējas, 90% mūsu vadītāju uzauguši Transcom,
  • Darbs vietā, kur vienmēr tiek novērtētas jaunas idejas un procesu uzlabošana,
  • Ieguvumi – veselības apdrošināšana, komandas saliedēšanas aktivitātes, bezmaksas trenažieru zāle, individuālās sesijas pie "life coach" augļu piektdienas ofisā un briļļu kompensācija reizi gadā,
  • Iesaistīšanās papildu sporta un sociālās atbildības aktivitātēs,
  • Elastīgu darba grafiku maiņās un iespēju strādāt pusslodzi,
  • Iespēju strādāt no mājām,
  • Profesionālas un apmaksātas darba apmācības un lielisku pieredzi klientu apkalpošanā. Pievienojieties Transcom Latvia kā klientu apkalpošanas speciālists! Tavos darba pienākumos ietilps:
  • Atbildēsi uz ienākošajiem klientu zvaniem un ziņām latviešu, krievu un angļu valodā,
  • Palīdzēsi klientiem rast risinājumus un sniegsi atbildes uz viņu jautājumiem,
  • Strādāsi maiņu grafikā - 8h dienā, 40h nedēļā. Klienti tiek apkalpoti 24/7, tāpēc iespējamas dažādas maiņas.
Read more

Transcom Worldwide Latvia is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

Our service portfolio is designed around creating smarter people experiences, increasing loyalty and driving growth
There are

201 – 500

employees in the company


  • Latvia flagRiga
    Free coffee
    Team events
    Company retreats
Office imageOffice imageOffice image


We are 28,000 customer experience specialists at 50 contact centers across 23 countries, delivering services in 33 languages to international brands in various industry verticals.

Transcom Worldwide Latvia is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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