Recovery Outlook in Lithuanian Job Market, June 2020

Recovery Outlook in Lithuanian Job Market, June 2020

This article is based on data from MeetFrank Job Market Insights. For additional and per-track reports, visit this page.

June is off to a musical start in Lithuania. On Monday, Lithuania celebrated its emergence from the coronavirus pandemic with a series of live musical performances across the country. 🎻

Musicians perform to thank for quick coronavirus disease

Musicians perform to thank for quick coronavirus disease containment Image source

Although Lithuania’s government has extended the coronavirus lockdown until June 16, most restrictions have been removed by now. Indoor events can have up to 100 attendees and some travelers can enter the country without quarantine. 🧳

Our job market reports from the last few months have shown healthy activity and stomach-turning turbulence in the Lithuanian labor market. Now, it’s time to take a step back and review the recovery outlook in Lithuanian job market. Here are some of the key takeaways on the recovery outlook in Lithuanian job market:

  • The number of active job openings is about 22% lower than a month ago.📉
  • Salaries remain on similar levels as before. ⚖️
  • Job seekers in software engineering, IT & sysadmin and finance enjoy a relatively low level of competition. 🏅

Sounds interesting? Read on for the whole report. 😎

Job market overview: May vs June

One of the key indicators of the job market is the number of active job openings. 

We see that in June, this number is lower than in May. In fact, the number of active job openings is down by about 22% in the Lithuanian job market. 📉

active job openings Lithuania

At the same time, the number of active job seekers is up by around 4% as compared to a month ago

Despite these changes, the job market competitiveness has remained more or less on the same level in the last few months. 🔭

job market competitiveness lithuania

Salaries in TOP 6 specialties

Next, let’s review the most recent data on salaries in the top specialties in Lithuania. 

In general, we see that the average offered and expected salaries remained in the same ballpark in the past month. ⚖️

However, this was not the case in all specialties. The offered gross salaries in sales & business development have decreased by about 400EUR on average. 

At the same time, gross salaries in finance and (tech) project management have gone up a bit. 📈

gross salaries Lithuania

In the job market as a whole, salary expectations have slightly increased. When we take a closer look, we see that the average expected salary is up in all specialties except for software engineering and (tech) project management. 💰

expected salaries Lithuania

Competition in TOP 6 specialties

Earlier, we saw that the number of active job offers has decreased, while the number of active job seekers is slightly up. Let’s see what impact this has had on job market competitiveness by top specialties. 🕵️‍♀️

1 point means that it’s really difficult to find a job while 5 points hint that there are many job offers available.

job market competition Lithuania

In general, we see that job seekers in IT & sysadmin, software engineering and finance enjoy a relatively low level of competition. 

Recently, it has gotten even easier than before to find a job in IT & sysadmin and finance. At the same time, it’s become a little more difficult to find a job in software engineering in Lithuania. 👩‍💻

Marketing & PR & media, (tech) project management and sales & business development are fields with toughest competition for finding a job in Lithuania. In all of these specialties, the competitiveness has remained more or less on the same level in May, as compared to April. 

TOP 10 Companies with the most applications in May 2020

Let’s take a look at which Lithuanian companies received the most applicants in May.

top companies Lithuania

Lithuania’s top list is dominated by all things tech. 🤓 In the first place, we see Teltonika, an internet of things powerhouse. They were also featured in our previous list of top companies with the most applications in Lithuania.

In second place is Smart Brands Laboratory, a company that helps private label brands scale across channels and geographies. In third place is KEVIN, a fintech company that provides developer-friendly payment infrastructure.💳

The rest of the list includes a good mix of companies that have managed to attract the attention of talent. There’s Coingate in the field of crypto, the software powerhouse Adroiti, and Pipelinepharma, an online pharmaceuticals B2B marketplace. 💊

Welcome to the MeetFrank family! 

In the past week, we welcomed quite a few new companies to MeetFrank. Here’s who started hiring with MeetFrank: iDenfy, Sloth software Solutions, POPPRI, Mark ID, Outokumpu, Koditus, Vertex and HOTrema. 🎊  

See their most recent job offers below:

June News From the Lithuanian Job Market

June News From the Lithuanian Job Market

This article is based on data from MeetFrank Job Market Insights. For additional and per-track reports, visit this page.

On June 16, Lithuania saw its last day in lockdown. Now the country’s getting ready to open up again like most countries in Europe. 🎉

Despite its relatively low coronavirus rates, the Lithuanian job market has been hit by the pandemic, which we explored through the decreasing number of job openings in our latest blog article

Wondering what has changed in the past 2 weeks? Want to learn more about job openings and market competitiveness? 🤓

🔊 Spoiler alert: Let’s dive into the world of stats from the Lithuanian job market. Now, it’s the rising star of remote job opportunities, which welcomes talent from around the world. 🌍

Job Market Overview: May vs June

At the beginning of June, the number of active job openings was down by about 22% in the Lithuanian job market.

So, here is what has changed in the past few weeks. The number of job openings has decreased by approximately 24%. 📉

active job openings in Lithuania

There has been a very slight decrease in the number of job applications. This doesn’t quite cover the drop in the openings. 

number of job applications in Lithuania

Despite the decrease in the number of job openings at the beginning of June, finding a job is almost at the ‘OK-level’ in Lithuania.

market competitiveness in Lithuania

Unlike in Estonia, design candidates have more opportunities in this market. If you’re a designer and looking for a job in Lithuania, the chances are you may get one in the near future.

The Marketing & PR & Media professionals are in a tight spot. Sadly, it’s challenging for them to find a job in the Lithuanian job market nowadays. 👀

historical salaries in Lithuania

Similar to Estonia and Finland, offered salaries are higher than expected salaries in Lithuania. 📈

There has been a decrease in expected salaries, whereas companies don’t seem to have made any changes in their offerings lately. 

Job Applications in the Top 6 Specialties in June 2020 vs 2019

In the past few months, we’ve been discussing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic aftershock. 🌍😷

What about ‘before corona’ times? What were the stats for job applications in the top 6 specialties last year in the Lithuanian job market? 🤔

the number of job applications in Lithuania in 2019 vs 2020

Let’s start with 3 key points:

✅ Similar to Estonia and Finland, the Software Engineering industry has seen a significant increase in the number of job applications.

✅ But in Lithuania, this industry doesn’t rank in first place. Apparently, sales & business development job seekers are the most active group in Lithuania nowadays.

✅Unlike Estonia and Finland, one industry has made a huge leap in the number of job applications: Marketing & PR & Media. This could be either related to the recent layoffs or the growing interest in the sector.

Compared to the number of applications submitted in mid-June 2019, all industries saw more interest from job seekers. 

This may be related to the recent layoffs due to the pandemic and also the growing interest in the Lithuanian job market.

Who are the companies hiring with MeetFrank?

In this section, we will learn more about the company profiles on MeetFrank. Get ready to find out more about Lithuania-based companies!

✅ As of today, there are 121 Lithuania-based companies looking for talent on MeetFrank. The number is increasing every month. 📈

✅ Unlike Estonia and Finland, they are mostly corporations and consultancy companies. If your dream job is at a big corporate name, then Lithuania might be ‘the’ place! 🙏

Lithuania-based company type

✅ So, what sectors are these companies operating in? If you have gone through our Estonia and Finland reports, you’ll already know the answer. As of today, software engineering, SaaS, technology, consultancy, and enterprise software make up the Top 5 there. 

The answer is the same for Lithuania as well. 👍

industries of Lithuania-based companies

✅ The Lithuania-based companies generally have 11 to 50 employees. This range is similar to those of Estonia and Finland. 

size of Lithuania-based companies

Remote Job Offers By Specialty in Mid-June

Due to the pandemic, not only have more job interviews become online, but the number of remote openings has significantly increased. 📈

This fact applies to Lithuania as well. Did you know that Lithuania-based companies are offering more and more remote jobs nowadays?🔎

remote job offers in Lithuania

When it comes to remote job offers, the champions remain the same as for Estonia and Finland—software engineers. 🖥 

It seems software engineers will be the new digital nomads, following in the footsteps of design and advertising people. 🛩

Professionals from the Sales & Business Development, Design, (Tech) Project Management, and Marketing & PR & Media industries are next in line with an increasing number of remote job offers. 

Looking for a remote job? Interested in working for a Lithuania-based company? Here you go:

Welcome to the MeetFrank family!

👯 Here are our new members: SDAkademy, ARENAMEDIA, Procentalis, VĮ Lietuvos oro uostai, JSC JUARA, and IT Akseleratorius

Looking for a new role in your career? Your new job might be waiting for you: