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frank ai
Delve into Datafruit's realm where crafting data into smart business insights is a transformative art.
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frank ai
Datafruit stands out for empowering major organizations with innovative analytics solutions, enveloped in a mission to drive smarter business decisions through data.
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frank ai
Join a team catering to a diverse client base, from Alexela to the Port of Tallinn, reshaping industries with over 70 custom solutions and 450+ trained professionals.
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frank ai
Be part of a company that, while focusing on the Estonian market, boasts a borderless operation with international projects and clients.
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frank ai
Step into a role where you'll translate business needs into solution designs and spearhead the development of cutting-edge analytic solutions.
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frank ai
Candidates must possess extensive experience in business analysis solutions, proficiency in SQL, and a track record in database environments.
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frank ai
Assemble insightful reports, map client needs, and excel as both project manager and consultant in diverse business analytics projects.
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frank ai
Embrace an opportunity that offers an above-market average salary starting at €3,000 gross per month, recognizing your expertise and experience.
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frank ai
Benefit from flexible working hours and the possibility of remote work options, ensuring work-life harmony while tackling meaningful projects.
frank ai
If you're seeking a work culture free from corporate red tape and filled with innovation, where your ideas fuel our collective growth, Datafruit is your destination.

Ärianalüüsi lahenduste vanemkonsultant


Tiit Anmann


Datafruit otsib oma kasvavasse meeskonda kõrge saavutusvajadusega ärianalüüsi konsultanti. Kui sa soovid viia ellu tähendusrikkaid ja keerulisi projekte, olla autonoomne oma tegevustes ning otsuste vastuvõtmisel, siis Sind ootab kiire areng koos ägeda meeskonnaga.
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About the role

Ärianalüüsi konsultandina aitad ärinõudeid tõlkida lahenduse disainiks ning toetad analüütikalahenduste välja töötamist. Heal kandidaadil on mitmekesine ja pikaajaline kogemus ärianalüüsi lahenduste loomisel. Töö kirjeldus:

  • Osalemine ärianalüüsi projektides projektijuhi ja konsultandina
  • Klientide vajaduste kaardistamine ja analüüs
  • Raportite (dashboards) ja analüüside koostamine vastavalt klientide vajadustele Kandidaadilt ootame:
  • Varasem kogemus äri- või andmeanalüütiku, andmelao arendaja või -haldurina
  • Oled varasemalt kokku puutunud erinevate andmebaasidega (MS SQL, PostgreSQL vms.)
  • Oskad heal tasemel SQL-i
  • Oskad hästi inglise keelt
  • Sinu peale võib loota ning Sa täidad kõik antud lubadused
  • Oled iseseisev, suudad juhtida projekte ja ise oma töö eest vastutada Kasuks tuleb:
  • Sul on kogemus ärianalüüsi lahenduste ja andmeladude arendamises
  • Sul on varasem kokkupuude ärianalüüsi tarkvaradega, eriti väärtuslik oleks Tableau/Power BI kogemus
  • Oled tegija andmeanalüüsis ja raportite (dashboards) koostamises Miks peaksid meiega liituma?
  • Pakume valdkonna keskmisest kõrgemat töötasu (alates 3000 EUR)
  • Võimaldame paindlikku tööaega, kaugtööd
  • Meil on professionaalne meeskond
  • No corporate bullshit!
  • Saad koostööd teha mitmete kohalike ja rahvusvaheliste ettevõtetega erinevatest sektoritest
  • Julgustame uuenduslikkust – ütle oma ideed välja ja muudame koos Datafruiti paremaks
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Datafruit OÜ is open for

  • People for
    Data & Analytics
  • Interested to work in
  • Who specialize in
    Analytics or Business Analyst or Process Analyst or BI Consultant
  • And have following skills
    SQL or BI, OLAP or Tableau
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    3,000 - 5,000 / month, gross

The story

Datafruit was founded in 2014 with the mission to help our clients make smart business decisions through skilful analysis of their data. We help them achieve better business results by using data.
There are

11 – 50

employees in the company

1M to 3M

Company annual revenue


Lõõtsa 1a (floor 9) Tallinn, Harju maakond, 11415 Estonia

  • Estonia flagTallinn
    Extra vacations
    Flexible hours
    Gym membership
    Free coffee
    Team events
    Company retreats
    Free parking
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In our nine years in business, we’ve created more than 90 solutions for clients operating in a variety of industries. We have trained more than 850 managers and data analysts, and the number of our own employees grows every year as the workload increases. Although the vast majority of our projects focus on the Estonian market, we have also consulted and mentored several international clients. We focus on large-scale projects that require a great deal of responsibility in target markets and which, in fact, have no borders.

Datafruit OÜ is open for

  • People for
    Data & Analytics
  • Interested to work in
  • Who specialize in
    Analytics or Business Analyst or Process Analyst or BI Consultant
  • And have following skills
    SQL or BI, OLAP or Tableau
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    3,000 - 5,000 / month, gross