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frank ai
Join Erply, a leader in retail POS systems, supporting 300K+ stores globally in 15+ languages.
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frank ai
Contribute to Erply's mission to revolutionize retail operations with their powerful, cloud-based POS and Inventory Management software.
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frank ai
Work with a company trusted by renowned clients like Elizabeth Arden and Walt Disney, surpassing traditional legacy systems.
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frank ai
Be part of Erply's ascent as a tech pioneer with $4M funding, paving the way in a dynamic retail software market.
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frank ai
Experience a diverse, international team culture with enriching team events and a commitment to professional growth.
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frank ai
Grow professionally with opportunities to learn new software, enhance skills, and pursue leadership, with €300 for courses annually.
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frank ai
Erply promotes a healthy team with sport compensations, massages, tennis, and yoga classes, ensuring work-life balance.
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frank ai
Drive sales by initiating conversations, understanding client needs, managing customer data, and consistently meeting sales targets.
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frank ai
Bring your experience in phone sales, client communication, proficiency in Estonian and English, and a positive client-focused attitude.
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frank ai
Apply to Erply's sales team in Tallinn for the chance to work with an elite global clientele, earn €1,500-€4,000/month, and push retail boundaries!




HR specialist

Otsime entusiastlikku müügiesindajat, kes liituks meie meeskonnaga. Sinu ülesandeks on mitte ainult müügitehingute sõlmimine, vaid ka suurepäraste kliendisuhete loomine ja hoidmine. Kui oled suhtlusoskuselt silmapaistev ja suudad hoida end motiveeritult ka peale ''ei, aitäh'' kuulmist, siis see töökoht võib olla just Sulle! Peamised tööülesanded:

  • Alustad vestlusi nii uute kui ka olemasolevate klientidega, esitled meie teenuseid kasutades loovaid müügitehnikaid.
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About the role

Erplyga liitudes töötad koos rahvusvahelise meeskonnaga ja tegeled klientidega erinevatest riikidest. Usume mitmekülgsesse kultuuri ning iga inimese unikaalsusesse. Ettevõtte kultuur: rahvusvaheline ja mitmekülgne meeskond. Palju meeskonnaüritusi ja kontoriväliseid tegevusi - nt Enduro ja Fatbike event; kino külastused; laser tag; pingpong võistlused jne. Professionaalne kasv: olenemata sellest, kas soovid õppida uut tarkvara, arendada tööalaseid oskusi, juhtida meeskonda või harjutada midagi uut, julgustame oma töötajaid alati õppimisvõimalusi otsima. Igal aastal saab töötaja 300€ väärtuses võtta kursuseid Udemyst. Tervis ja heaolu: spordikompensatsioon, massaaž, tennis ja joogatunnid on vaid mõned eelised. Kontorisisesed eelised: lisaks snäkkidele on meil ka väga hea kohv! Suurepärased kontori asukohad, Tallinna kesklinnas.

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Erply is open for

  • People for
    Sales & Business Development
  • Interested to work in
  • Who specialize in
    Partnerships or Lead Generation or Cold Contacting or Sales Representation or Sales Analysis or Active Sales
  • And have following skills
    English or Estonian
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniorities
    Mid-level or Senior
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    1,500 - 4,000 / month, gross

The story

Erply is the world’s leading retail Point of Sale and Inventory Management software, providing a complete retail operations solution that can be adapted to meet unique business needs.
There are

51 – 200

employees in the company

10M to 50M

Company annual revenue


With offices around the globe, we’re constantly looking to grow our team. The bulk of our development team can be found in tech-savvy Tallinn, Estonia, and our headquarters are located in the heart of NYC. The rest of our offices can be found in Providence, London, Toronto, and Sydney.
  • Estonia flagTallinn
    Health insurance
    Gym membership
    Free food
    Free coffee
    Team events
    Company retreats
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We are covered globally.

Erply is open for

  • People for
    Sales & Business Development
  • Interested to work in
  • Who specialize in
    Partnerships or Lead Generation or Cold Contacting or Sales Representation or Sales Analysis or Active Sales
  • And have following skills
    English or Estonian
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniorities
    Mid-level or Senior
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
    1,500 - 4,000 / month, gross