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frank ai
Be part of a leading Baltic bank shaping the financial future and empowering smart decisions.
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frank ai
Luminor has a powerful presence in the Baltics, holding considerable market shares in deposits and lending. Join a major financial force in the region.
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frank ai
Dive into a unique culture focused on changing lives through smart banking solutions. Luminor offers unparalleled banking experiences.
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frank ai
Align with a company that values social entrepreneurship and community contribution. Build a banking champion while giving back.
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frank ai
Seize opportunities for personal growth with Luminor's impressive track record where 3 out of 4 employees advance within a year.
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frank ai
As a Client Advisor in Klaipėda, ensure exceptional service while guiding customers through Luminor's banking solutions. Your advice matters.
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frank ai
Bring your customer service expertise, preferably in finance, and your computer literacy to a role where your insights in Lithuanian, English, or Russian count.
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frank ai
Earn a robust salary ranging from €1350 to €1890 gross per month, reflecting your skills and competence level.
frank ai
Enjoy health insurance, additional pension contributions, extra holidays, and flexible working schedules for a better work-life balance.
frank ai
Apply to Luminor and enroll in a dynamic international environment full of challenges and internal career opportunities. Start your journey with us!

Konsultantas (-ė) Kliento aptarnavimo skyriuje (Klaipėda)

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About the role

Siūlome darbo poziciją pilnu etatu klientų aptarnavimo skyriuje Klaipėdoje (klientų aptarnavimas gyvai)!

Tavo darbas – rūpintis klientų poreikiais, spręsti sudėtingas situacijas, teikti siūlymus bei padėti pasirinkti tinkamus produktus ir paslaugas. Nors bendraujant su klientais daug laiko teks dirbti savarankiškai, tačiau dinamiška ir draugiška komanda visuomet pasirengusi ištiesti pagalbos ranką. Investuodami į darbuotojų ugdymą ir jų kompetencijų kėlimą, galime pasidžiaugti, kad 3 iš 4 kolegų, karjerą banko viduje padaro per vienerius metus! Esi pasiruošęs (-usi) žengti esminį savo karjeros žingsnį? Tuomet, kviečiame pas mus! Tavo atsakomybės:• Užtikrinti puikų klientų aptarnavimą ir individualių bei komandinių tikslų įgyvendinimą• Teikti patarimus ir rekomendacijas kasdienių paslaugų ir produktų klausimais• Edukuoti klientus ir supažindinti klientus su siūlomais bankininkystės sprendimais• Gebėti koordinuoti klientų srautus• Gebėti adaptuotis dinamiškoje aplinkoje.Tikimės, kad tu:• Turi klientų aptarnavimo ar pardavimų patirties (privalumas, patirtis - finansų srityje)• Moki ne tik klausyti, bet ir girdėti klientą bei kolegas• Turi gerus darbo kompiuteriu įgūdžius• Puikiai dėstai mintis lietuvių kalba tiek raštu, tiek žodžiu• Klientus gali aptarnauti rusų arba anglų kalba (būtų privalumas). Tavo asmenybė:• Smalsus (-i) ir orientuota (-as) į rezultatus• Bendradarbiaujantis (-anti)• Žvelgiantis (-ianti) pozityviai į pokyčius• Dėmesingas (-a) klientams• Esi disciplinuotas (-a), iniciatyvus (-i), atsakingas (-a)• Noriai ir…

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Luminor Group is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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The story

We want to make a difference and have a voice in society, to shape the economic environment with the future in mind, and to contribute to our home region. We are changing lives through banking – Luminor is here to empower our customers to make smart financial decisions
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employees in the company


Company annual revenue


We are located in the three Baltic countries. You can find our branches in all of the major towns. But the main offices are situated in the heart of each country - Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius.
  • Estonia flagTallinn
  • Lithuania flagVilnius
  • Latvia flagRiga
    Extra vacations
    Flexible hours
    Remote work
    Health insurance
    Team events
    Company retreats
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Luminor is the third-largest provider of financial services in the Baltics, with some 870 000 clients and 2 300 employees. In the Baltic region, it has a market share of 14.9% in deposits and 16.9% in lending as at the end of March 2021. Luminor has total shareholders’ equity of 1.7 billion EUR and a CET1 ratio of 23.4%.

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Luminor Group is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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