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frank ai
Lead the IT sector into a sustainable, circular future as a Business Development Manager at Foxway!
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frank ai
Foxway is shaping the IT industry with a Device as a Service concept that promises sustainable, circular solutions. Join to innovate tech lifecycle management.
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frank ai
Unique for its focus on a circular economy, Foxway excels in maximizing returns on tech investments via AI-driven services, repurposing, and efficient hardware upgrades.
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frank ai
At Foxway, Business Development Managers are crucial leaders driving the expansion and increasing market share through strategic client acquisition and partnerships.
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frank ai
Your role will involve analyzing market trends, fostering strong customer relations, and working closely with internal teams to ensure services meet market needs.
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frank ai
Candidates need 5+ years in high-level client management, a solid network in IT, and a dynamic skill set to manage complex tasks and exceed KPIs.
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frank ai
Fluency in Swedish and English, and exceptional communication skills are essential to succeed in presenting proposals and engaging with stakeholders.
frank ai
Foxway is located in dynamic areas: Choose between Solna in Stockholm or Gothenburg for an on-site engagement with a forward-thinking team.
frank ai
Foxway offers an attractive salary package: a stable base salary complemented by performance-based rewards, ensuring merit is recognized and compensated.
frank ai
Join a workplace that values diversity and inclusion, providing equal opportunities for all. Apply today and be part of an environment that promotes personal growth.

Business Development Manager


About the role

Vill du leda IT-branschen mot en cirkulär framtid? Vi söker nu en driven Business Development Manager till vårt fantastiska team, med placering i Solna eller Göteborg. Häng med oss för att skapa en mer hållbar och cirkulär IT-bransch och forma vår gemensamma framgång! Genom att erbjuda kunderna marknadens ledande Device as a Service koncept. Under de senaste åren har vi haft en stadig tillväxt på 20 procent, ett resultat av både organisk expansion och strategiska förvärv. Vi är stolta över att vara ledande inom cirkulära tjänster i Europa och vår resa mot ytterligare tillväxt är ett bevis på dedikation och kompetens. Vi erbjuder tech som en cirkulär prenumerationstjänst. Under avtalsperioden sköter vi all service och renoverar enheterna vid avtalets slut. Dessutom underlättar vi hårdvaruuppgraderingar med smidiga återtagstjänster, vilket skapar cirkuläritet och mervärde. Produktiva tjänster med hjälp av AI ger kunder värdefulla insikter om deras enheter, inklusive klimatpåverkan, kostnader och tekniska data, vilket maximerar avkastningen på teknikinvesteringar Vad innebär rollen? Som Business Development Manager på Foxway kommer du att spela en nyckelroll i vår tillväxt genom att få in nya kunder och öka Foxways marknadsandel. Du kommer att utveckla och genomföra försäljningsstrategier för våra tjänster,

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Foxway OÜ is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
    Business Development
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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Foxway OÜ is open for

  • People for
  • Interested to work in
  • And have following skills
    Business Development
  • We are looking to fill a
    Full-time position
  • For talents with seniority
  • With a capacity of
    40 hours per week
  • And we are happy to pay
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